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Thread: An interview with... LadyBoy Aoife Perez

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    Default An interview with... LadyBoy Aoife Perez

    An Interview With...

    Well it is that time again in which I have interviewed one of Ireland's most popular advertisers.
    I have managed to make some time to interview one of the lovely E-I Advertisers, getting to know them more on a personal level and learn more about their experiences.

    And this time, I have managed to interview one of E-I's most popular TV escorts, LadyBoy Aoife Perez and the first TV escort in such a long time.

    We all hope that you are excited about this interview and will enjoy reading every part of it.

    PART 1:

    Floki: Hi Aoife,

    First of all, I thank you so much for agreeing and for taking part in 'An Interview with...'

    There is an unlimited amount of questions that we would love to ask, but unfortunately we only have so much space and time to ask only a few.
    So we here have gathered some of the most popular questions and added in some new questions for the interview.

    Our interview starts... Now!

    Floki: How did you first hear about E-I?

    Aoife: I came to Ireland around 8 years ago and a friend mentioned the site and so I looked it up.
    I checked the website out for myself and I saw some familiar faces I knew, which was a little funny.
    I saw their faces, and thought, they look like they have fun and so why not do it myself.

    Floki: How long have you worked as an escort for?

    Aoife: I have been living in Ireland for 8 year,s but doing this for 5 years.

    Floki: Have you enjoyed it so far?

    Aoife: I would say it is like any other job, there is good things and there are bad things.
    Sometimes I might wake up and say that I don't want to do it, and sometimes I am happy to do it and I enjoy it.
    When people see your profile on the website, people call and test you all the time.
    Big part of the fantasy, is that I am the main character, be the fantasy, I like it, it's fun sometimes, they make me feel like a 'Rock star'.
    People always text me, when will you come here, the city.
    It has never happened in my life, people from all over, from different places asking me when I am going to visit.

    It can be difficult as some people are not easy to work with, but in general, I like it.

    Floki: In your view, what is the best thing about working as an escort?

    Aoife: I meet different people in different situations, as everybody has a different story to tell.
    When there is a connection, then people tell you about their life. Escorts tell you the reason why they work, the clients even tell you their problems, some show pictures of their family members.
    But the best thing is the experience and meeting new and different people.

    Floki: Have you ever visited Ireland before you chose to work as an escort and what is it about Ireland that had attracted you to advertise there?

    Aoife: No, it was my first time in Ireland.
    I was living in Canada and then I moved to the United States, where I was living in Miami. After a while, I decided to come to Europe.
    My first option was London. I decided to check the prices, but is expensive.
    So I decided to look at Ireland, as everything was cheaper. I never though that I was come here before, so I took the decision to go and the rest is history.

    Floki: So if London wasn't as expensive as it is, then you probably would have been in London right now and not in Ireland.
    So you may have never become an escort.

    Aoife: I never thought that it would happen when I started to stay here. I saw the people and they told me about the site.
    I decided to check the website by myself and I thought that I want to do that..
    When you see the pictures, I know people use Photoshop, but the pictures look good, I started to read the reviews, some of the reviews were awesome, about how they express the escorts
    I thought that I want to do that and one day, I then took the decision and become an escort.

    Floki: Well seeing your reviews, I would say that you have been doing very well. You are one of E-I's most popular TV escorts.
    So I would say that you made a good decision for yourself.

    Aoife: I think so, I try my best

    Floki: How long do you plan to work as an escort, do you have an age when you may hang up your shoes?

    Aoife: Every year, I say that this is my last year, as it is very hard to advertise all the time.
    You have to travel and move around. If you stay for too long, you don't feel that you want to work or earn enough money.
    So I find it hard to travel all the time, as I don't see my friends very often and you can't meet many new people.
    Being inside most of the day, it's hard for me, because before this, I was going out all the time, have dinner with my friends, go to the cinema.
    Too much time in home is the bad thing about it, so I say every year, it is enough for me, I want a real job in an office, go to the gym after and meet friends.
    But I do enjoy it and so I don't know how long I will do this for.

    Floki: Do you get many, if not, any female punters or even couples that wish to book with yourself?

    Aoife: Couple I do, but I don't see them, as you cannot see who is behind that door.
    You can control one person, but you cannot control 2 people in your home, so for my safety, I do not take couples at all. They might invite me to a hotel and I have said yes, I can do that.
    As for females, in 5 years I have only had 2 see me.

    Floki: Only 2? I would have expected more.

    Aoife: It 's Ireland, it might happen more in another country, but here, I think they don't like to see escorts.

    Floki: As one of the most popular E-I TV escorts, what was it that made you choose to become a TV?

    Aoife: They seem to have a appetite here for TV and TS escorts. When I started, I tried to do as a male escort, but I didn't get many clients.
    A TV escort told me that I needed to change, I needed to become a TV, if you want it to work.
    To be honest, at the beginning, I didn't want to, but I decided to try it and I have since learnt many things. As before, I didn't know who to put on make-up.
    Since I have taken courses, I have been watching people on the internet, when I go to the shop, I ask girls how to do this, ow to do that and the girls tell me how.
    And now, I think that I am doing a very good job with the make-up I never knew how to use heels, but now I'm very good
    Now I enjoy it. When I first looked in the mirror as a TV, I didn't like it, but now I really do

    Floki: Well practice make perfect and I have seen your photos and you do look very feminine and so I think that you do pull it off quite well.

    Aoife: For me, it is part of the job, I am in character.
    If I am in character, I am not myself, I am totally different.
    When you see me on the streets, like many clients, they say I look totally strange and different, because it is a character.I am me and when I am advertising, I am in Character, I am, Aoife.

    Floki: Do you have a specific outfit you like to wear during a booking? Any lingerie that makes you feel most sexiest in?

    Aoife: Yes, I have one favourite. I look really good in it and it makes me feel comfortable.
    Honestly, when working with a wig, with heels, lingerie, it's very hard, as you have to make so much work with make-up and everything, that it's just too much work.
    So with the outfit, I feel most comfortable and feel I perform good and I like how I look.

    Floki: Advertising now for so long, you must be really enjoy it so much. But did you feel the same way when you first started advertising?

    Aoife: At first, nobody helped me, so I had to learn for myself. I remember my first pictures, they were armature pictures from my phone, I couldn't do the make-up very well or anything.
    So my first pictures were terrible, everybody was making fun about me, nobody would call.
    For me, it is the process. As now, I want to be perfect as you offer a good service, so I have to get nice stuff, nice clothes, expensive make-up and be good.
    I have gone a long way to learn for myself.

    Now, I feel completely different, people call me a lot, from everywhere. They are always asking me, 'When I will come here, I want to see you'.
    So now, it's completely different, it's good. I feel proud of myself.
    Last edited by Floki; 16-09-20 at 10:47.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    j81 (15-09-20), Escort AdvertiserLadyBoy Aoife Perez (20-09-20), robbie9 (11-09-20)

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    PART 2:

    Floki: What sort of jobs did you have before sex work industry?

    Aoife: When I was a student, I was working as a waiter in a bar which was actually in Disney World.
    When I finished collage, I was working in an office working as an assistant in sales.

    Floki: What was Disney World like?

    Aoife: It was ok, there was a lot of benefits, but it was a good experience for me, so I did enjoy it.
    I met many people from all over the world, so it was a good thing. Everybody who works as a student wants to work there.
    They didn't' pay too much and the work wasn't always that nice, but it was an experience.

    Floki: What are your biggest turn-ons and turn-offs?

    Aoife: My biggest turn on, is if the person is nice and treats me well, speaks nicely with me.

    My biggest turn off, is if they are being a$$hole$, acting mean and rude. I don't like these kind of people. As I will act in the same way, as I don't want people to push me down, not even in this job.
    People like this think that they are, they can treat you really bad.
    So this is my biggest turn off.

    Floki: What would you say has been your most embarrassing moment so far working as an escort, a moment in which you cannot forget?

    Aoife: Ah, when the wig come off
    A guy was pulling it a little too much and the wig came off, he was trying to put it back on, but he was putting on on the wrong way, which was really funny

    Floki: In the bedroom, do you like a to be the one in control?

    Aoife: I like to be in control, because if you are not, they are going to do what they want. Sometimes you get difficult people who want to do whatever they want.
    Myself, I am very hygienic and people that visit are not while they want to do everything,
    I sleep in the same bed I am working with, so for I am not one who wants to sleep in a smelly bed. So I have to take control and say this is good and this is not. Some want to control you and this is not that nice.
    So I have to be in control.

    Floki: Are you a superstitious person and what do you believe in?

    Aoife: I'm not really superstitious, but yes I believe in Karma.
    I know everything bad if you're bad will come back to you three time over, I believe in that.
    I know in this job, people carry stuff, putting things around the house, using scents, candles. I want do any of that, I only believe in Karma.

    Floki: Do you receive many gifts and what kind of gifts do your receive? Have you received something more than you expects?

    Aoife: Most that people bring is champagne. I do know that some ask for for gifts, but I don't like to ask for anything.
    I like receiving gifts, but I just don't like to ask. So if somebody brought me a good gift, then I will of course accept it.

    Floki: Would you accept a booking with somebody that you knew personally?

    Aoife: No, it's weird. It happened to me before, I met one person working who then ask to go for a coffee out f friendship, but after that, I told then that I will not accept anything more.

    Floki: Have you ever had clients giving you marriage proposals? Did you say yes to any?

    Aoife: Marriage? No. Many people have asked to be in a relationship and I have said no.
    When I am working, people come to see me, they see a different person and they are asking, 'Will you be my girlfriend', I play with them, but in the end I don't want too.
    when they want a relationship, they don't want me, they want my character.

    Floki: I do think that is a fair and a reasonable answer.
    Next question is. Are you somebody that needs to keep up with the latest fashion and have the latest technology?

    Aoife: Oh yes, I do. I get the new iPhone every year

    Floki: iPhones are expensive.

    Aoife: They are, but if I buy the latest phone, I will give my old one to my sister or somebody in my family as a gift.
    They are happy, because they know it is not that old, only 1 year.

    I don't buy too much fashion because right now, my life has changed so much, so I don't have so much social life, I don't want to leave thing in my closet for a while.
    When I decide to leave this job, I will start buying new stuff, because I know I will have a new life and will need new fashion.

    Floki: And for our final question. What advice would you give to somebody that wishes to advertise as a TV escort? Anything that they should expect or need to do?

    Aoife: Many peopll have asked me this, but as I told you, I learnt everything on myself.
    So I tell people, you need to learn for yourself, as every person is different, the experience is different.
    I also want to avoid helping them, as people might think they are working for me and I don't want that to happen.

    People do ask, but I tell them that they need to learn their own way.
    It took me 5 years to do make-up, I am not going to be able to teach you in 5 minutes.

    Floki: That is a fair answer, as you stated, everybody is different and so you need to learn for yourself and find what works for yourself.

    Floki: Aoife, I am sorry to say, but unfortunately that is all the questions I have got for you, so I just want to thank you again for taking part in 'An interview with...'
    It was a great pleasure to having the chance to interview you and wish you all the best for the future xx

    Aoife was my first TV escort to interview and also out first TV escort for many years, so we really hope that you enjoyed reading the interview and that you would have learned something new from this.
    And hopefully you would have learnt to appreciate all advertisers just that little bit more.

    Floki x

    Guys, Unfortunately Aoife is not currently advertising, but should be back soon!

    LadyBoy Aoife Perez's Tour Dates: TO BE UPDATED - TO BE UPDATED

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  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (11-09-20), GOSHH (14-09-20), irishjp (02-09-20), Escort AdvertiserLadyBoy Aoife Perez (20-09-20), robbie9 (11-09-20)

  5. Default

    Thanks for the interview Floki was so funny and enjoyable. I never thought was for this but I readed it and its nice. Thanks for chosen me the first TV in long long time hope people see who I'm really I'm

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to LadyBoy Aoife Perez For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (11-09-20), Floki (02-09-20), irishjp (02-09-20)

  7. #4


    Nice to read as I have met aoife perez 3 times already and will be seeing again soon! Top class escort, sexy and very friendly

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Wtfdm24 For This Useful Post:

    Escort AdvertiserLadyBoy Aoife Perez (20-09-20)

  9. #5


    Great interview Aoife, you look amazing. Hope to see u soon.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to castlebar100 For This Useful Post:

    Escort AdvertiserLadyBoy Aoife Perez (20-09-20)

  11. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by LadyBoy Aoife Perez View Post
    Thanks for the interview Floki was so funny and enjoyable. I never thought was for this but I readed it and its nice. Thanks for chosen me the first TV in long long time hope people see who I'm really I'm
    It was a pleasure.
    I did enjoy doing the interview with you very much.

    Hope the best for the future and hope this will help you too.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    Escort AdvertiserLadyBoy Aoife Perez (20-09-20)

  13. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Wtfdm24 View Post
    Nice to read as I have met aoife perez 3 times already and will be seeing again soon! Top class escort, sexy and very friendly
    Thanks hun I really appreciate your comments. I'm enjoying your visits every 15 days . Cant wait for the next

  14. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by castlebar100 View Post
    Great interview Aoife, you look amazing. Hope to see u soon.
    Thanks baby! I know I miss you too. Soon I will be around your area xx

  15. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by BaronVonDoggyStyle View Post
    Good question, great answer.

    To me, in every job from the most high profile to the the lowliest McJobs, there's always an element of sex work simply because, as humans we think with our brains, but communicate through our genitals - nasty as it sounds - but that's why it's not taught in schools I guess; too nasty.

    A reality we don't like to acknowledge, let alone speak about.

    But in my mind the key to success is oftentimes so heavily weighted in this area.

    Point being, "what makes you a good sex worker, how do you adapt to it, make it a job you could potentially genuinely enjoy doing", from someone who can make a living from it, it's definitely something I'm always interested to get insight into.
    True being sex worker is like other job as I mentioned on the interview. And about sex on the workplace well sex is everywhere is part of human behaviour. I dont see the sex or relate it with our daily life is something like "nasty" or something we dont have to talk about it. This is 2020 world is ready for many thing that probably on the past it wasnt. And completely agree from the lower level to the highest level in a company for sure will be sex involve. Just guys be happy and enjoy your sexuality! "Life is short and we have to try as much we can", that's something that I always say to my guests...

  16. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to LadyBoy Aoife Perez For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (11-09-20), Floki (11-09-20), irishjp (13-09-20)

  17. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Well Done with that , you seem to have put a lot into improving your business.

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to robbie9 For This Useful Post:

    Escort AdvertiserLadyBoy Aoife Perez (20-09-20)

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