1 do your research, remember fail to prepare, prepare to fail.
2 Go for a gfe type of girl first time around, some cougars here will eat you alive. They don't even meet under 30's. Again refer to point 1.
3 when the escort es chosen, pm her, most of them reply fast if not, ring them and explain you are a newbie, but not a time waster, She will be happy you choose her.
4 when everything is sorted, do not go to see the girl with a loaded gun, 1 shot beforehand should do the trick, unless you're a multiple shooter, so in this case, you will be fine.
5 other people told you already about the mechanics of the meeting, finances, courtesy, etc so I won't go into details, refer to older post.
6 be carefull, this shit is addictive, and if you find a girl you are comfortable with, she Will be your regular.
7 enjoy the ride and keep on rocking!