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Thread: An interview with... Sweet Rita!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default An interview with... Sweet Rita!

    An Interview With... Rita!

    Hi everyone, well it is that time again in which I have interviewed one of Ireland's most popular advertisers.
    I have managed to make some time to interview one of the E-I Advertisers, getting to know them more on a personal level and learn more about their experiences.

    Rita is very happy to take part and I do hope that you will enjoy reading every part of the Interview.

    PART 1:

    Floki: Hi Rita,

    First of all, I thank you so much for agreeing and for taking part in 'An Interview with... '

    There is so many questions that we would love to ask, but unfortunately we only so much time to ask.
    So we have gathered some of the most popular questions and added in some new extra questions for for you.

    Our interview starts... Now!

    Floki: How did you first hear about E-I?

    Rita: I didn't know anything about it before I came to Ireland. I have a friend who had been working in this job in Ireland and I was already working in my own country.
    My friend then asked me if I wanted to come to Ireland, just for a short trip.
    When I come, I didn't know anything about the job and my friend sowed me the website as I was curious about this job. This was maybe around 6 years ago.

    When she was working, a customer was looking at me and so he asked, "Who is she?" I was like, "No, I am not working as an escort."
    I could see he looked very smart and after he was talking to me and we ad a lovely chat and then he put 100€ on the my table and I don't now why.

    Since, I have been calling him everyday I I think he was in love with me, and he tells me, Rita, I am a married man.
    He was a lovely man, I was so naive, as I don't know anything about this job, so lucky I met a nice fellow.
    I though that I could make a lot of money o this job, maybe I can the buy a house, so then I started this job.

    In my country, they see this job as a stigma, but in Ireland they, the Irish men see me as a woman and of course they support me.

    I am happy and have been happy since.

    Floki: That was a good answer.
    You seemed to answer some questions I had for you, but I will ask you some others.
    What was your main reason of becoming an escort?

    Rita I didn't really think about becoming an escort, as I had a lot of plans.
    I didn't even decided to become an escort, it was just like a flow in the river.

    Floki: So when you're getting ready to go on tour, what are your main essentials that you pack and take with you?

    Rita I have a big selection of lovely and sexy lingerie. I always take them with me to an outcall.
    If the customers don't ask me, I will bring them with me, for the customers through respect.
    I have beautiful and expensive dress I love to spend a lot of money on lingerie.

    As when people want to touch me, they are going to touch very expensive clothes.
    This is also my fetish, lovely lingerie and sexy dresses.

    Floki: You have been advertising now for a few years now. So in the time that you have been advertising, what has been your best moments so far?

    Rita I met a man in Cork, it was a normal night about 9pm. He was very clean, very sexy and around 45/50 years old.
    I started off by asking how he is and etc. He told me that somebody recommended me. I was like, "Oh my god, who recommended me" So I asked who, and he said, "My wife."

    Floki:Oh wow!

    Rita Yes It was a beautiful story Floki. He said that his wife was looking on the site.
    So when he called me, his wife was listening and then she told him, "Go and visit Rita."
    When he came I was just thinking about it all. When he took off his clothes, he showed me that he had bad surgery because of cancer which he couldn't feel anything.
    He didn't think that he could be sexy for the wife, so hie wife told him, if you don't believe it is working, go an visit somebody and you will see what the girls will tell you.
    So I tried to be funny. He showed me that he had a water ball he had to press, and when he pressed it, he cock went up.

    He was very nice, and customers like this maybe lost his confidence.
    When he left, I had tears in my eyes, because this woman, his wife. How much she loves her husband. It was so beautiful, you could just imagine.
    I think this is a beautiful story.

    Floki: Awww, that was a really nice story, and very sweet too

    Rita: Yeah, like me

    Floki: I'm not as sweet, I have much to learn. But that was really nice.

    Floki: Did you expect to be advertising as an escort as long as you have been doing now? And how long do you think you'll advertise for?

    Rita: Yes, when I started this job, I put my life in God's hands and I pray. "God, I put my life in your hands and I will do what ever you like me to do." Because I love him.
    And in these 6 years, I live in Cork, I have my residence and I have my own business in Ireland. So of course I will continue to work, not just only for the money.
    When you are a woman and the men treat you nice and you are happy, it's not only about the money. I can't do things just only for the money, that is not me.
    I have to love what I am doing and I love my job, I really do, so I will continue.

    Floki: What is your favourite place in Ireland you like to visit?

    Rita: Ireland has a very rich history, and so I can't say what is my best and favourites place, and if you travel, there is many beautiful place.

    Floki: I agree, Ireland is a beautiful and has beautiful sites.

    Rita: But if you are talking about, if I was working and touring around, then my favourite is of course, Dublin and Cork, if I travel for work.
    If you talk about my favourites trips, Dingle, it's beautiful. You will also find the most beautiful 'Fish & Chips' in the world. You can even travel the Atlantic coast, it is beautiful, very beautiful.
    Ireland is like a History Book, if you go anywhere, you can find something to learn,

    Floki: Do you believe that Irish are very experimental and open minded compared to other countries?

    Rita: It's a good question Floki, because if you asked me 6 years ago, my answer could have been very different
    But now, I will tell you one story and you can have your conclusion.

    A Catholic priest called me.

    Floki: Well if a priest is calling you, then it seems that they are very open minded

    Rita: Yes, a priest from Limerick. The first thing is, I am Catholic woman and I don't think that I could do that and he was ok with this.
    We met up and had a coffee in Limerick, we had a lovely chat, he blessed me and he brought me some holy water

    Floki: Not all clients seek sexual service, but have you ever received clients that only wish to talk, or maybe just want to cuddle? And how do you do fee about it?

    Rita: Oh yes, I am a very good cuddlier honey. and it is surprising how many there is that ask.
    Last edited by Floki; 20-08-20 at 14:04.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    PART 2:

    Floki: What would you say is your best asset?

    Rita: Well not for me, but for my customers. I think my face, my lips, my ass and my boobs.
    I make a lot of money with my lips, haha
    And everything is original, so no fakes. My god blessed me with a lovely ass and a lovely face.
    But I don't know, my customers say that

    Floki: How do you sleep in you underwear, Pj's or even in the nude?

    Rita: Nude!
    But when having sex, I love to wear lingerie, which I told you.
    I love when I have one boob sticking in and my other bob sticking out, it's so sexy. You have to give a man something to be curious about, it's exciting, it's like a play.

    Floki: You have to give then something to imagine, as if you're completed naked, then you are not going to be as excited.

    Rita: Agree. But I will be naked when alone and wearing something with my customers.

    Floki: Would you accept a booking with somebody that you knew personally?

    Rita: No. Yesterday, somebody called me from my country. I has met him in my personal life and he asked if he could see me, so I said no and recommended him another girl.

    Floki: Do any of your relatives or friends know what you do for work? If not, what kind of a reaction would you expect?

    Rita: Yes, they understand me and in a way, you can't judge nobody if you are not in their situation.
    One story I will tell you, I was in a very old Irish shop, they handmade their own bread.
    I saw somebody a friend and he was calling me. I was like, "Oh my god", I was so shy and I ran out of the shop. But on my way, I was thinking why I have to be so shy, he was looking at the site, not me.
    So I go back to the shop, and I keep going back I I see him and he is smiling. I think Ireland is becoming more open-minded, step by step.
    And now I see this guy as a friend and of course he doesn't visit me.

    Floki: Do you have any pets? And what do you have?

    Rita: No, I like them, but I don't have any. I need new a pat as I am very clean and I don't live in a house, but in an apartment.
    I love pets, but I can't go out or go to work a lot. It is a big responsibility, I have to travel and would look after the pet, but I do have a puppy in my home country.

    Floki: Yeah, I do understand, if you have to travel, then you won't have time to have a pet.
    Are you a romantic person? And what you consider for a romantic night to be?

    Rita: I am not really romantic. You know what it is like, they are like, "Oh I want to be romantic, I want candle lights, and bla bla bla, no that is not me.
    With romance, you have to feel it in your soul. And if the man you like and he gives you a romantic night, yes it could be perfect.

    If you talk about my job, yes I love. I have customers who come to my apartment and we go to a restaurant, we go to a pub, we go back to home. And do you know what the men like?
    They like their breakfast, Floki. You can imagine, I wake up, like a girlfriend, I put on my normal clothes on and put on some lovely music and I'll take some breakfast and tea to them and they are so happy, Floki.

    Floki: Well I think breakfast is a big thing for us British and the Irish. We love bacon, sausages , beans and a good cuppa tea. We like all that

    Rita: Absolutely. As at night, we go to a restaurant, he gives me something, but in the morning, I give them breakfast, teas and juice, they are so

    Floki: Apart from doing this interview with me, what has been your biggest achievement in life so far?

    Rita: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (by here, Rita was lost for words, so I guess nothing could beat this achievement )
    I don't know You surprised me with that

    Floki: I think that I have lost you on that one, so I'll go to the next question (while Rita is still laughing)
    As you said, you're a Catholic and a religious person, but do you believe in Reincarnation (Life after Death)? If so, do you believe that you will come back as another person or an animal?

    Rita: No never.

    Floki: Ok, so you don't believe in Reincarnation.

    Rita: It's a good question, well of course I do believing in reincarnation. But if I was animal, I would be a tiger, or a black cat.
    But I believe in reincarnation, that you if you made some mistakes, you come back and you have to manage again. You are born again and again and again.
    I had a vision when I came to Ireland, never have I been here fore and I knew where to go. I had a vision and I knew that this was my home.

    So I don't think we will come back as an animal.
    Animals are more intelligent than a human, they know the law and what they have to do, but humans make a lot of mistake in life.
    So I think we are born again to fix things.

    Floki: List 3 words that describe your character best.

    Rita: I have been to university and realise that if I need to exercise my brain.
    At them moment, I am studying and have exams to do.
    I had a bad experience in a relationship and the Irish man, they gave me back my happiness. I have never ever had a bad experience in this job.
    I am always happy with my customers, they are my friends and like my lovers.
    And my character, if you read my review, I am a happy person, I'm a lady and intelligent. A sexy lady.

    Floki: So if I was to describe you in 3 words, it would be 'Intelligent, Sexy and Funny.'

    Rita: What you you think, Floki?

    Floki: Well I have to agree, you seem very happy and you are an intelligent woman and I have seen your photos, you are sexy.
    I do like one pf the photo in which you are sat there with your hand under you chin, with your top open. You have some very sexy photos

    Floki: Rita, I am sorry to say, that is all the questions that we have for you.

    Rita: Thank you

    Floki: I just want to thank you again for taking part in 'An interview with...'
    It was really fun and really nice to hear your answers.

    Rita:: I love you, Floki. Can you write me a review? Hahah

    Floki: Unfortunately I am not allowed
    Well Rita, do please take care.
    It was a great pleasure to having the chance to interview you and wish you all the best for the future xx

    Well everyone, we hope that you enjoyed reading the interview will have learned something new from this and have learnt to appreciate all advertisers just that little bit more.

    Floki x

    Rita is not currently advertising, but we shall update her tours once she decide to advertise again

    Rita's Tour Dates: 25/07/2020 - 02/08/2020 - Cork, Cork City

    Rita's Message Boards Account:
    Rita's Profile and Reviews:

  3. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (13-08-20), Carolyne (25-03-21)

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    That's such a beautiful story about the client who had surgery. The thing about the priest is so interesting too. This is a great interview. You really get a sense of her empathy and what she's like as a person. Really nice woman.

  5. #4


    Is was my pleasure dear, I wish to thank you for team who they support me all the times , with out escort Ireland, I could be who I'm now . Thank you so much again .

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to sweet-rita For This Useful Post:

    Floki (07-08-20)

  7. #5


    Thank you dear !! ��

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to sweet-rita For This Useful Post:

    Floki (07-08-20)

  9. Default


  10. The Following User Says Thank You to ditia For This Useful Post:

    sweet-rita (08-08-20)

  11. #7


    Thank you dear xxxxxx

  12. #8


    I also fell in love with Rita. She is a fantastic woman xxxxxx

  13. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Hi Rayan,

    First of all, I thank you so much for agreeing and for taking part in 'An Interview with... and also being our first male escort interviewee' you might as want to edit this bit Floki.
    Rita is certainly all woman.

  14. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to RebelSub87 For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (13-08-20), Floki (13-08-20)

  15. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by RebelSub87 View Post
    Hi Rayan,

    First of all, I thank you so much for agreeing and for taking part in 'An Interview with... and also being our first male escort interviewee' you might as want to edit this bit Floki.
    Rita is certainly all woman.
    I did find that confusing myself, especially with the very sexy photos of Rita attached !

    Thanks Rita, you can't beat a lady that likes a bit of romance !x
    Are we there yet ?

  16. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Barney Rubble For This Useful Post:

    Floki (13-08-20), Escort Advertiserjessicabp (13-08-20), sweet-rita (16-08-20)

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