Quote Originally Posted by Anna23 View Post
Since when only Irish clients can submit reviews?
There's lots of foreigners and they punt as well.
i understand that but its broken English.Allow me to explain.Some ppl due to no fault of their own make mistakes in their English because they may not be well read or may not have had a lot of education.this is no reflection on their intellegence by the way.However broken English is done alot be foreigners who have a decent grasp of English but small little bits escape them.

In this case;

i written one review (i have written one review)

that mean is fake (that means it is fake)

im honest man (im an honest man)

This is broken English in that its fine,readable but small little mistakes with the small little words.These are not your usual mistakes made by somebody through ignorance.

Of course if this person is geuine i will be the first to eat my words but if i were the reader i would have put a fake on it too and thats without knowing that they are registered as an agency.
