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Thread: An interview with Bridgittee!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default An interview with Bridgittee!

    An Interview With... Bridgittee!

    Hi guys, well it is that time again in which I have interviewed one of Ireland's most popular advertisers.
    I have managed to make some time to interview one of the lovely E-I Advertisers, getting to know them more on a personal level and learn more about their experiences.

    We all hope that you are excited about this interview and will enjoy reading every part of it.

    PART 1:

    Floki: Hi Bridgittee,

    First of all, I thank you so much for agreeing and for taking part in 'An Interview with...'

    There is an unlimited amount of questions that we would love to ask, but unfortunately we only have so much space and time to ask only a few.
    So we here have gathered some of the most popular questions and added in some new questions for the interview.

    Our interview starts... Now!

    Floki: How long have you worked as an escort for?

    Bridgittee: I started in 2012, in September if I remember well, so 8 years.

    Floki: Have you been enjoying it so far?

    Bridgittee: Yes, it's like any job, there is good things and bad things. I can't say it is always pink, but so far so good.

    Floki: How did you first come to hear about E-I?

    Bridgittee: I came in 2012 and came with a friend who told me about it 1 year before about it, she said that it's all good, come here.
    I was like, ok, but what are you doing, then she then told me and I was a little be sceptical at first. But then I said ok, I will try. And I;m here after 8 years

    Floki: So no looking back then.

    Bridgittee: No

    Floki: Of course your friend told you about the work, but you to decide to work as an escort?

    Bridgittee: I was working, just say a normal job, but I didn't like it, as it was hard at the end of the month, I didn't have any money.

    Floki: So money was the main reason why you joined.

    Bridgittee: Yes, and of course the pleasure, first money then pleasure

    Floki: What do you think is the best thing about working as an escort?

    Bridgittee: The best thing in my opinion, that I can make my schedule, if I want to work ,I will work, if I don't, I don't have to work.
    I don't like the 9-5 work. I don't have a boss, I am my own boss and this is the best thing.

    Floki: Being independent and working for yourself great.

    Floki: What did you think of Ireland when you first arrived?

    Bridgittee: Oh, I was thinking, Oh my god, it so wet
    Oh my, god was raining all day. Why here, where is the sunny weather.

    Floki: Yeah, I think living in the UK most of my life, people say that the weather is the first thing that they notice.

    Bridgittee: I have worked in other countries with plenty of sun, like Brazil, but I always come back here and I don't know why

    Floki: And did you expect to be here as long as you have been?

    Bridgittee: Yes, I knew I would work as long as I have been, if I like the job I will stay.
    I don't like to change things very often. If I like something, I'll stick to it.

    Floki: So you are in a comfortable position.

    Floki: What was your first experience of escorting like, your first booking.?

    Bridgittee: Oh my god! That's a good one, cause I remember.
    So my first client, if I remeber, I started on a Friday, the first client was a man around his 80's.

    Floki: 80?

    Bridgittee: Yes, I was working on the first floor and he took almost 30 minutes to come to my floor.
    He couldn't walk properly and I was waiting by the door thinking, "Why isn't he coming? He is talking so long"
    When he was in the bedroom, I was like, in my head thinking, "Ok please don't die on my bed"

    Both of us:

    Bridgittee: At that time it wasn't funny, but I think about it and is funny.

    Floki: Well I am glad that he didn't die on you
    Do you have a favourite place to visit in Ireland that you like to travel to, maybe for a day out just to site see or even shop around?

    Bridgittee: I live in Ireland, so I have to go outside. I think that I have seem almost all of Ireland.
    I have seen the Cliffs of Moher, Wiclow, I have been to Bray beach, I have see all the museums. I do love going outside. I go for a peace of mind.

    Floki So you have travelled all around Ireland, as it is a beautiful place and has some nice scenery round.

    Bridgittee: I do like more the North than the south, I don't know why.

    Floki Have you ever visited the Giant's Causeway?
    They are lava rocks and there is an old story that Giants had built a bridge between Scotland and Ireland, which collapsed.

    Bridgittee: Oh, I haven't seen this, thank you for the tips. I haven't see, but I look forward to it.
    I travel with one of my friends, but I haven't seem everything in the North, but I love it. I do like a lot the Titanic Museum, I think I have been twice there.

    Floki My father was born a few mile from there and I have myself seen it and I do like it too.

    Floki: Not all clients seek sexual service, as some may only wish to talk, or maybe just want to cuddle? Have you had any experience like this and how do you do feel about it?

    Bridgittee: I love provided Girlfriend Experience. I remember a clients, he booked with me with one of my friends. He got a chair at the end of my bed and said that he only wants to look at you while you are playing each other.
    I said ok, so why do you want to touch me as we are not dirty.
    He said, No, I never ever touch another woman, I touch my wife for 17 years, I have never touch any other woman.
    The guess what? I started crying.

    Floki: Awww...

    Bridgittee: Yeah, cause he was touching my heart. Where are these man now in our days?

    Floki: That has gave me some goosebumps, it's very nice to hear

    Bridgittee: Yes, it s very nice, I love giving Girlfriend Experience, like cuddles, it's my thing.

    Floki: As a client ever asked to perform service on you?

    Bridgittee: Yes, they usually ask if they can perform reverse oral on me, and I really enjoy it, I love it.
    For me, this is a very big turn on, I love to receive oral.

    Floki: So you like then to take control?

    Bridgittee: Yes, I like to be a little submissive, not too much, I can be submissive, but with clients that I know very well, cause I need to feel safe.

    Floki: Well that is very understandable.
    OK, when a client contacts you via phone call, how do you think they should start off the conversation?

    Bridgittee: First of all, most of them when I answer the phone, they ask how much, how much, when everything is in my profile.
    I like when they say, "Hi, this is..." you know, old school things. "Hello, my name is John, please can I book with you for that time, for that long?"

    Floki: So they should introduce themselves and of course, they should also read your profile before they call.
    Last edited by Floki; 24-06-20 at 13:34.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    Escort AdvertiserCindy Forever (19-06-20), S94310 (11-06-20)

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    PART 2:

    Floki: What sort of jobs did you have before sex work industry, or were you just a student?

    Bridgittee: Yeah, I was a student, it's on break. I have one more year to finish. I started in University of Medicine in my country.
    And hopefully next year, I am going to finish it, hopefully.

    Floki: So what do you what will you do when you finish?

    Bridgittee: Oh ,hopefully, if I apply for residency and get it, I want to become a surgeon. This is my dream.

    Floki: Oh wow, well that is very interesting.
    Are you somebody that likes a romantic time? And what you consider a romantic night for you to be?

    Bridgittee: I'm old school, I like candles, chocolate, flowers and bubble baths, these things.
    And yes, a good dinner And on tv, it is called Pretty Woman.

    Floki: Yes, I remember seeing that as a child, many year ago and I do like the move, but people look at me funny, but I don't care.
    Would you, or have you ever dated a client?

    Bridgittee: Yes, it didn't end that well.
    Well you involve love and work, which you should never. You should keep them separately.

    Floki: I agree with you, as I dated a girl in my last job, it didn't go well as e were seeing each other 24/7, it just wasn't easy.
    What kind of gifts do you usually receive?

    Bridgittee: CHOCOLATE In this pandemic situation, I need it badly. Please clients, bring chocolate, I will be eating them

    Floki: Do you have a favourites chocolate?

    Bridgittee: I like Godiva and I do like the shop? I think is in Dublin, but is in Limerick. Leonidas. Do you know Leonidas?

    Floki: NO, I have never heard of that.

    Bridgittee: Oh my god, it's Belgium Chocolate.

    Floki: When you mentioned Belgium, I was thinking of Lindt.

    Bridgittee: I don't know this one.

    Floki: Have you ever turned a gift away? If so, what as it?

    Bridgittee: Yes, one client brought me one thing, a dress, from his wife who was dead.

    Floki: Oh...

    Bridgittee: It was sad and morbid, I don't know how to explain to you, I was afraid to touch it.
    I said to him not to call me again, you are scary.

    Floki: What Single Appliance Can You Not Live Without?

    Bridgittee: My red lipstick, I can't live with out it. I can't live without my cigarettes.
    But I think my lipstick is first.

    Floki: Do you believe in Reincarnation (Life after Death)? If so, do you believe that you will come back as another person or an animal?

    Bridgittee: I am an Orthodox, but I do believe in reincarnation and I do hope, I hope in my life, I will be, let's say, a tiger.

    Floki: Me, I would want to come back as a dog.

    Bridgittee: Why?

    Floki: I love dogs, they are my favourite animals. My dog is lying next to me, just sleeping. And I think that they are just amazing.

    Bridgittee: I am more of a cat person, sorry

    Floki: If You Were Told You Only Had One Week Left To Live, What Would You Do?

    Bridgittee: If I had one week? Oh my god, that's a tough question.
    I would travel a lot, I will have time to sleep a lot after

    Floki: Haha, a very long sleep
    Do you have a specific place that you would like to travel first?

    Bridgittee: Somewhere very sunny I think Spain, I have never been to Spain and I have always wanted to go.

    Floki: Yeah, Spain does seem to have good weather most of the year. I had never been myself till I moved.
    Even after 5/6 year, I find it hard to get use to the heat, as I'm was born in cold weather and a cold country.

    Bridgittee: For me it, would be easy as I am use to hot weather and oh my god I need it.
    Oh, yesterday was nice, that was the summer in Ireland, but now back to reality

    Floki: We have a saying in the UK. "I love summer, it is the best 2 days of the year"

    Bridgittee: Oh 2 days? You are so lucky

    Floki: If you had to live without one of your five senses, which one would you give up? (Smell, Taste, Sight, Hearing or Sense of Touch)

    Bridgittee: Oh that is a tough question again, but I think that I can live without the smell.

    Floki: I would choose smell or taste, but if is the taste, then I can eat healthier

    Floki: What advice would you give to a nervous client for when they may wish to make a booking with you in the future?

    Bridgittee: I would say that I am as nervous as him, because I am the one who opens the door to strangers.
    So in stead of being nervous, they need to be more calm. I give them one glass of wine as it helps and to stay calm.

    Floki: Sorry, but unfortunately this is all we have got, so I just want to thank you again for taking part in 'An interview with...'
    It was a great pleasure to having the chance to interview you and wish you all the best for the future xx

    Well everyone, we hope that you enjoyed reading the interview will have learned something new from this and have learnt to appreciate all advertisers just that little bit more.

    Floki x

    Bridgittee's Tour Dates: Dates are to be updated soon - Location is to be updated soon

    Bridgittee's Message Boards Account:
    Bridgittee's Profile and Reviews:
    Last edited by Floki; 10-06-20 at 10:47.

  4. The Following 17 Users Say Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    Bridgittee (10-06-20), bromleykent (11-06-20), Carolyne (25-03-21), Escort AdvertiserCindy Forever (12-06-20), F007 (11-06-20), iamnewtothis (10-06-20), kaoka the hun (11-06-20), makerubyreal (21-06-20), mr gear (18-06-20), ORDINARYJOE (10-06-20), robbie9 (11-06-20), S94310 (11-06-20), scouserpete (10-06-20), SteveB (11-06-20)

  5. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Great interview floki more of these please!

    IV only met Bridgittee once but it's still one of my favourite meetings. Lovely girl
    Take it slow, and let the good times roll

  6. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to iamnewtothis For This Useful Post:

    Bridgittee (10-06-20), Floki (10-06-20), robbie9 (11-06-20), S94310 (11-06-20)

  7. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Thank you so much . ill be back in belfast soon enough i hope
    Last edited by Bridgittee; 10-06-20 at 14:35.

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Bridgittee For This Useful Post:

    DeletedMuser (10-06-20), Floki (10-06-20), iamnewtothis (10-06-20), SteveB (11-06-20)

  9. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bridgittee View Post
    Thank you so much . ill be back in belfast soon enough i hope
    :-D that's what I like to hear. Stay safe and see you soon!
    Take it slow, and let the good times roll

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to iamnewtothis For This Useful Post:

    Bridgittee (11-06-20), Floki (12-06-20)

  11. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Blog Entries


    Superb, well done darling, can wait to see you back xx
    Last edited by scouserpete; 10-06-20 at 20:53.
    for as long as i can remember, i always wanted to be a gangster ....

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to scouserpete For This Useful Post:

    Bridgittee (11-06-20), Floki (12-06-20), robbie9 (11-06-20)

  13. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Great interview!

    I can see you like your "men" or MAN.

    As for that man who offered you that dress, sounds seriously mad, I would nearly of reported that to the guards

    Haven't met u b4 but fascinated by those tattoos you have.

    Great read. Well done.

  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to robbie9 For This Useful Post:

    Bridgittee (11-06-20), Floki (12-06-20)

  15. #8


    This is a really good interview. Great stories and insight.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Northstar For This Useful Post:

    Floki (23-06-20)

  17. Default

    Great work

  18. Default

    Great interview

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