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Thread: An interview with Cindy Forever!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default An interview with Cindy Forever!

    An Interview With... Cindy Forever!

    Hi guys, well it is that time again in which I have interviewed one of Ireland's most popular advertisers.
    I have managed to make some time to interview one of the lovely E-I Advertisers, getting to know them more on a personal level and learn more about their experiences.

    We all hope that you are excited about this interview and will enjoy reading every part of it.

    PART 1:

    Floki: Hi Cindy,
    Welcome and thank you for taking time with me today to answer some questions that I had gathered for you.

    To start the interview off, I would like to ask...
    Floki: How did you get into the world of escorting?
    And how have your feelings developed about the industry since you started?

    Cindy: I started when I first went to Spain, being separated with 2 kids, I took them to see their father as he was living there.
    I like a lot of Spain, so I decided to stay and look for a job. There was a few girls there I was talking to and I then started to work for a club there, that was in 2000.

    Floki: Really? So 20 years now?

    Cindy: Yes, well not yet, around October or something like that.

    Floki: Have you had any regrets since you have been advertising?

    Cindy: No, I am happy. I back to Brazil back in 2002 and didn't worked till 2008, then I went to Spain for 2 months, more or less.
    I have friends working in Ireland, so I decided to try here.

    Floki: Besides Ireland and Spain have you advertise in any other countries?

    Cindy: For 2 weeks in Scotland

    Floki: Which location do you prefer to work and why do you prefer such location?

    Cindy: At the moment, it is Cavan where I'm living. I really like Omagh and Athlone.

    Floki: Do you feel that Ireland has more opportunities to explore?

    Cindy: Yes, I think so.

    Floki: What do you enjoy about the country of Ireland itself, do you enjoy site seeing, do you have a favourite district?

    Cindy: I do like Killarney, all the time I'm there, I drive around.
    I really like small towns as I grew up in a countryside.

    Floki: I prefer small towns and villages, nice and peaceful. I don't like cities, it's just noise and too grey.

    Cindy: I used to live in Dublin, i use to get a bus, it took 15 minutes the city centre, which was OK, but where I live is far from the city centre and not that handy.

    Floki: Yeah, that the good things about city, there is a lot around you, easy to go shopping.

    Floki: What do you miss the most about your home country?

    Cindy: Summer and friends, I was always with them. We always like to visit each other, usually about 20/30 people in the same house.
    The weather is not much different than Ireland, we have more summer. One day is warm and the next is cold. IN winter we have frost.

    Floki: Do you ever get snow?

    Cindy: Yes, some parts of the south, it snows. Not in my city, but probably 500km from my city, every year it snows.

    Floki: Oh wow, I didn't think it would snow, I've learnt something new there.

    Cindy: My city is similar to Ireland, because is cold, it's windy and rains, but we have stronger rain.

    Floki: I would expect i with the Ocean and the Amazon

    Cindy: You need to bring your jacket, and never forget to take an umbrella with you as well.

    Floki: I like the rain, but will more likely take a umbrella just in case.

    Floki: How do you feel about the Irish punters? Did anything surprise you?

    Cindy: I like them, everybody I have met is good. I have been lucky as I have a lot of regulars.
    They are usally nice with me, they bring me flowers, chocolate, but I am not really a fan of chocolate, but wine. But they are really nice with me.

    Floki: So they show you plenty of respect.

    Cindy: Yes, but if they are not nice on the phone, I will not take the appointment.

    Floki: Would Ireland be a place you could grow old? Do you have any plans on retiring here?

    Cindy: I planned to retire every year, but I stopped, because I'm still happy so I will still work.
    I have a lot of regulars, so it is keeping good, but for now, I have no plans to retire. I might retire if it gets boring, but I like having my time, I do what I want, but for now I am very happy.

    I don't know if where I will retire, maybe back in Brazil, but I will be back every year to visit Ireland.

    Floki: So no future plans to retires as of yet. You will continue to work as along as you are happy.

    Cindy: Yes, I'm still happy here.

    Floki: When going out, do you like to be wined and dined, maybe you like to sing a bit of Karaoke?

    Cindy: I like simple things, my favourite is to go to a restaurant and have steak with pepper sauce and sometime a glass of wine or a pint of Heineken.

    Floki: It sounds similar to a place we have in the UK called Weatherspoons, a family place in which you can have steaks and drinks as such.

    Cindy: But yeah, I do like a night out, but if I was to choose a night out r a restaurant, I will choose restaurant, I love it, my favourite is steak.

    Floki]: I myself enjoy the nature side of things and visiting small towns and villages, but what is your dream holiday destination, even if you have not yet been?

    Cindy: At the moment, I like Thailand.
    And another country, people call me crazy, but I want to visit Iran.

    Floki: Oh, OK.

    Cindy: People call me crazy ad nobody will accept to go with me, but I have read a lot about it and so I am curious to go, burnt for long, maybe for 4 or 5 days.

    Floki: Well I understand and it is curiosity. For me, I've wanted to visit North Korea, it is a very strict county.

    Cindy: I think it is very different for women. I visited somebody a long, long time ago, maybe in 2009 in Dublin.
    He was like a posh guy who was studying at university. That kind of excited me, because I don't usually meet non Irish guys, but he was friends with a regular of mine.
    After we talked about his country and he was showing things, like how there is taxis only of ladies, lady drivers and even having parts of the train or the bus only for ladies., so I am curious.

    Floki: Well if you do go to Iran, I hope that you have a good time.

    Cindy: I think it is for the experience, it's totally different. Especially in my job, I have an open mind for different things. I know woman don't have much freedom.

    Floki: Are you a superstitious kind of person and what kind superstitions do you believe in? Why do you believe in such?

    Cindy: No, I'm not really superstitious.

    Floki: I know some people are spiritual, they believe in Karma. As for me, I don't believe in such things.

    Cindy: I believe you do good thing to have peace in mind. I like to help everybody, not because I expect to go to Paradise.
    I don't help because I believe in god, but I just help because if I can, why not, that makes me feel better.

    Floki: I agree 100% with this.
    I help because it's just the right thing to do and what we should be doing, especially during these times.

    Cindy: I help escorts and everyone need and I can help with everything as talk when someone is sad, drive someone to the shopping/hospital phone call or go somewhere with who cant speak english, I helped few people for open bank account, do pps number given my address,buying little Xmas gifts for poor children in Brazil and much more but this is only few example how I help people.
    Last edited by Floki; 26-06-20 at 14:25.

  2. The Following 21 Users Say Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (04-05-20), Escort Advertiserblondiebombshell (30-11-20), Carolyne (25-03-21), Cindy Forever (04-05-20), enfr (29-06-22), Escort AdvertiserFetishCherry (06-05-20), GOSHH (21-05-20), IrishSarahBarra (18-05-20), jre679 (11-05-20), kaoka the hun (10-05-20), makerubyreal (04-05-20), MartaMod (04-05-20), Mrbean76 (04-05-20), peadarr (20-07-22), Rockerman (23-12-22), Ryankelvin (04-05-20), scoobydo1 (05-05-20), Silvergrey25 (05-06-23), SteveB (04-05-20)

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    PART 2:

    Floki: Do you exercise regularly?

    Cindy: No, I walk around and drive an automatic car. When I'm on holiday, I walk a lot, cause I like to go an see because I like to know places. and go to small villages.
    When I go to Spain, I have a car there, so when I travel, there are lots of places that you need to walk a lot.
    So I excerise when I'm on holiday and not when I work. Sometime I walk to the shopping centre, it is maybe 20 minutes walking.

    Floki: The only exercise I get to do, is walking my dog and that's about it.

    Cindy: I don't have a dog, because of work, it would not be fair to have one.

    Floki: What sort of gifts do you like from your clients? Have you ever refused to receive a gift from anybody and why was the reason?

    Cindy: Yes, a baby dog, not because I don't want, because I can't. It was for my birthday, so I said to him, thank you, I feel sorry but I can't accept it. It was I think a Yorkshire Terrier.
    It was a gift because most times I spend on my own.

    Floki: So no time to keep a dog, it's a shame.

    Cindy: Some places don't allow dogs, my place in Cavan, neighbour always complains to management, so it I don't think is allowed to have a god in the apartment.

    Floki: What gift to you prefer to receive?

    Cindy: I like Perfume, I don't have here, but I have a collection of perfume. I also receive jewellery as gifts.

    Floki: Do you have a favourite brand of perfume.

    Cindy: I like medium, not too strong or too sweet.
    It depends, I like Amour, sometimes I like strong ones, but there is not much perfume I would say no too.

    Floki: Do you have a favourite outfit you wear or requested often?

    Cindy: At the moment, it is my red dress in the picture, most guys keep asking. But no, in the past I use to buy a lot, but I stop buying because most guys don't care about the outfit, but prefer the way you are.
    I don't wear uniforms, in the past I would, but nobody cared or made compliments.
    They would compliment me ad not my outfits, sot here is no point really. But it is the red dress mainly.

    Floki: What can a client do to make an appointment more enjoyable?

    Cindy: The type of guys that like to talk, relax. When somebody is boring, 30 minutes feels like 2 hours.
    I am lucky because most of my customers are nice, they usually want to talk about their life.
    But happy people, sometimes they arrive sad, but they start to talk and they feel comfortable.

    Floki: So someone who can make a good conversation.

    Floki: Obviously there is more to you than just escorting. What kind of things do you like to do in your spare time?

    Cindy: At home I like to read a lot, watch movies and I like to go out and meet friends.
    Sometimes I boring and stay where I am. Got Dublin and see my friends. They have different jobs and they know my job, I never keep secrets. So I like to meet friends and talk.
    I like a walk in the park, sit under a tree and talk.

    Floki: So you like a simple, quiet life. It's probably the best thing. I enjoy it, keep myself to myself.

    Cindy: I like having time with family, sometimes I go to somewhere like a farm, where there's no one, I spend there maybe 2 hours reading in the sun on the grass.

    Floki: You told your friends about your work, does your family know about your know?

    Cindy: I don't really have a family as my mother passed away, but my father doesn't know.
    The only person from my family knows is my ex-boyfriends sisters and his mother, she is my kids grandmother my kids doesn't know. OK, they are older, but we don't talk about it and they never ask me about my job in Ireland.

    Floki: What was the reaction when they find out? How did they react?

    Cindy: My kids grandmother, she is open-minded, she likes me properly more than her kids, cause we never argue, she is like my mother.
    With her, I get on better than I did with my mother, so she didn't' say nothing, but "Your older than 21, so yu can do what you want, if that it what you want and if you are happy, just be careful as you will never know who you are going to meet.

    Floki: So she was understandable about it, as long as you are happy.

    Floki: What do you like about yourself? Are you often complimented on a feature of yours?

    Cindy: I am happy about everything, but I think my eyes, I have green eyes.
    I everything, I can't complain as I can eat anything, I can eat 3 o'clock in the morning without exercising .
    I am lucky because most ladies my age need to watch what they eat, they eat nothing and I eat everything. I can eat at 1/2 o'clock in the morning.

    Floki: I'm the same, I tend to eat 1/2 in the morning too, but sometimes I regret it.

    Cindy: When I eat before going to bed, I sleep better.
    I do'nt drink coffee, so I will drink orange juice.

    Floki: In music, what is your favourite genre or artist? And do you tend to play music during a booking?

    Cindy: I play soft music, I will play YouTube and play a mix, but my personal I like is heavy metal, I sometimes like American Country, but my favourites band is Iron Maiden.

    Floki: Oh yeah! love Iron Maiden, I have seen them live, they were awesome. Last band I saw live was Black Sabbath.

    Cindy: I like too, but my favourite is Iron Maiden. I like another one, a Brazil band, but they play in English.
    They are very heavy metal.

    Floki: Brains vs Brawn? (Intelligence vs Muscle) Which do you prefer?

    Cindy: If possible, but I prefer intelligence. Stupid people make me lose interest.
    I can see the top model, but if there is no good conversation, that's it.

    Floki: Muscle doesn't always bring brains.

    Cindy: Muscle goes, but the brain always gets better.

    Floki: Well it helps having a good sense of humour as well. Good sense of humour is a high intelligence.

    Cindy: Yeah, but some people are intelligent, but boring. I like intelligence.

    Floki: You can choose only 4 things to survive being on a deserted Island, what are those things?

    Cindy: Water, , Black Beans, Eggs, My mobile phone with WIFI.

    Floki: I wouldn't have picked those, but water would have been on my list of course.

    Cindy: I drink a lot of water, people ask if I have an hangover, but no, I just need water.

    Floki: Tea for me, I always drink tea or water, I don't even drink alcohol.

    Cindy: I like alcohol, sometimes I like tequila, but at the moment, I like Smirnoff, I don't like to mix, if I do I will have a hangover.
    I like wine, but wine is to socialise, not to get drunk. I am a strange person, I like to get drunk at home on my own, I don't like t get drunk with other people, I don't like to get drunk when I'm out.
    Sometimes when I'm out, all night I have 2 shots of tequila, around 1 or 2 Corona, but the most is water.
    Yeah, I'm a strange person, I like to get drunk at home.

    Floki: I don't find that strange at all. If I drink, I'll drink at home and I don't mix my drinks either. If I mix them, hen I'm probably going to regret it the next morning.

    Cindy: I don't like drinking out, because I get tired.

    Floki: What’s the best piece of advice you have given? And what advice would you give to a nervous client?

    Cindy: Just deep breathing, when they ring me, they will relaxed as soon as they talk to me, if they don't ask stupid questions.
    If they ask stupid questions, then I will just hang up.

    Just ring me, ask for an appointment, give me a time and the date. I offer water, cold or normal.
    Go for a shower for time to relax.

    Floki: So always relax first.

    Cindy: If not relaxed, it not going to be a good time

    Floki: Cindy, that is all the questions I've got for you.
    So I just want to thank you again for taking part in 'An interview with...' and for your answers, which I found very interesting. I hope this will change people views on escorts, for the better.

    Well everyone, we hope that you enjoyed reading the interview will have learned something new from this and have learnt to appreciate all advertisers just that little bit more.

    Floki x

    Guys, 'Cindy' is currently advertising and is awaiting for your call, so pick up that phone and call her!

    Cindy Forever's Tour Dates: 15/04/2020 - 16/05/2020 - Omagh

    Cindy Forever's Profile and Reviews:
    Cindy Forever's Message Boards Account:
    Last edited by Floki; 05-05-20 at 09:27.

  4. The Following 21 Users Say Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (04-05-20), Cindy Forever (04-05-20), Dr. John (05-12-20), enfr (29-06-22), ezio1986 (22-09-21), IrishSarahBarra (18-05-20), kaoka the hun (10-05-20), makerubyreal (04-05-20), MartaMod (04-05-20), Mr Cuddles (04-05-20), Mrbean76 (04-05-20), Paulstevens (04-05-20), Rockerman (23-12-22), Ryankelvin (04-05-20), scoobydo1 (05-05-20), Silvergrey25 (05-06-23), SteveB (04-05-20), westerner04 (04-05-20)

  5. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2019


    Well done Floki , but especially Cindy, 100% honest , as usual, wouldn’t expect anything else from you ,

  6. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Ryankelvin For This Useful Post:

    Cindy Forever (04-05-20), Floki (04-05-20), IrishSarahBarra (18-05-20), Mrbean76 (04-05-20), Paulstevens (04-05-20), SteveB (04-05-20)

  7. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryankelvin View Post
    Well done Floki , but especially Cindy, 100% honest , as usual, wouldn’t expect anything else from you ,
    Thank you very much dear
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  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Cindy Forever For This Useful Post:

    enfr (29-06-22), Floki (05-05-20), Ryankelvin (04-05-20)

  9. #5


    If you were stuck on a deserted island, there's one thing you would have wanted more and that is wellies. Without footwear and dry feet it would be horrendous trying to get around and cuts could lead to an infection and constant wet feet leads to trench foot.

  10. Default

    After reading that lovely interview i feel like I should make a visit to cavan very soon.. Well done cindy , you sound mega cool

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to joxerlad For This Useful Post:

    Cindy Forever (06-05-20)

  12. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    Great interview , what a very genuine lady, total class .

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to jekyl69 For This Useful Post:

    Cindy Forever (08-05-20)

  14. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by jekyl69 View Post
    Great interview , what a very genuine lady, total class .
    Thank you very much, I'm very happy that you liked it,Yes i am very genuine person and sometimes I hurt people without intention ,I need about 5 interviews for me can tell the whole story of my life
    🔥Check here for my diary ❤️
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  15. The Following User Says Thank You to Cindy Forever For This Useful Post:

    enfr (29-06-22)

  16. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by joxerlad View Post
    After reading that lovely interview i feel like I should make a visit to cavan very soon.. Well done cindy , you sound mega cool
    Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it, it will be a pleasure to meet you in Cavan or anywhere else
    🔥Check here for my diary ❤️
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  17. The Following User Says Thank You to Cindy Forever For This Useful Post:

    Metro 6R4 (28-06-20)

  18. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Floki View Post
    An Interview With... Cindy Forever!

    Hi guys, well it is that time again in which I have interviewed one of Ireland's most popular advertisers.
    I have managed to make some time to interview one of the lovely E-I Advertisers, getting to know them more on a personal level and learn more about their experiences.

    We all hope that you are excited about this interview and will enjoy reading every part of it.

    PART 1:

    Floki: Hi Cindy,
    Welcome and thank you for taking time with me today to answer some questions that I had gathered for you.

    To start the interview off, I would like to ask...
    Floki: How did you get into the world of escorting?
    And how have your feelings developed about the industry since you started?

    Cindy: I started when I first went to Spain, being separated with 2 kids, I took them to see their father as he was living there.
    I like a lot of Spain, so I decided to stay and look for a job. There was a few girls there I was talking to and I then started to work for a club there, that was in 2000.

    Floki: Really? So 20 years now?

    Cindy: Yes, well not yet, around October or something like that.

    Floki: Have you had any regrets since you have been advertising?

    Cindy: No, I am happy. I back to Brazil back in 2002 and didn't worked till 2008, then I went to Spain for 2 months, more or less.
    I have friends working in Ireland, so I decided to try here.

    Floki: Besides Ireland and Spain have you advertise in any other countries?

    Cindy: For 2 weeks in Scotland

    Floki: Which location do you prefer to work and why do you prefer such location?

    Cindy: At the moment, it is Cavan where I'm living. I really like Omagh and Athlone.

    Floki: Do you feel that Ireland has more opportunities to explore?

    Cindy: Yes, I think so.

    Floki: What do you enjoy about the country of Ireland itself, do you enjoy site seeing, do you have a favourite district?

    Cindy: I do like Killarney, all the time I'm there, I drive around.
    I really like small towns as I grew up in a countryside.

    Floki: I prefer small towns and villages, nice and peaceful. I don't like cities, it's just noise and too grey.

    Cindy: I used to live in Dublin, i use to get a bus, it took 15 minutes the city centre, which was OK, but where I live is far from the city centre and not that handy.

    Floki: Yeah, that the good things about city, there is a lot around you, easy to go shopping.

    Floki: What do you miss the most about your home country?

    Cindy: Summer and friends, I was always with them. We always like to visit each other, usually about 20/30 people in the same house.
    The weather is not much different than Ireland, we have more summer. One day is warm and the next is cold. IN winter we have frost.

    Floki: Do you ever get snow?

    Cindy: Yes, some parts of the south, it snows. Not in my city, but probably 500km from my city, every year it snows.

    Floki: Oh wow, I didn't think it would snow, I've learnt something new there.

    Cindy: My city is similar to Ireland, because is cold, it's windy and rains, but we have stronger rain.

    Floki: I would expect i with the Ocean and the Amazon

    Cindy: You need to bring your jacket, and never forget to take an umbrella with you as well.

    Floki: I like the rain, but will more likely take a umbrella just in case.

    Floki: How do you feel about the Irish punters? Did anything surprise you?

    Cindy: I like them, everybody I have met is good. I have been lucky as I have a lot of regulars.
    They are usally nice with me, they bring me flowers, chocolate, but I am not really a fan of chocolate, but wine. But they are really nice with me.

    Floki: So they show you plenty of respect.

    Cindy: Yes, but if they are not nice on the phone, I will not take the appointment.

    Floki: Would Ireland be a place you could grow old? Do you have any plans on retiring here?

    Cindy: I planned to retire every year, but I stopped, because I'm still happy so I will still work.
    I have a lot of regulars, so it is keeping good, but for now, I have no plans to retire. I might retire if it gets boring, but I like having my time, I do what I want, but for now I am very happy.

    I don't know if where I will retire, maybe back in Brazil, but I will be back every year to visit Ireland.

    Floki: So no future plans to retires as of yet. You will continue to work as along as you are happy.

    Cindy: Yes, I'm still happy here.

    Floki: When going out, do you like to be wined and dined, maybe you like to sing a bit of Karaoke?

    Cindy: I like simple things, my favourite is to go to a restaurant and have steak with pepper sauce and sometime a glass of wine or a pint of Heineken.

    Floki: It sounds similar to a place we have in the UK called Weatherspoons, a family place in which you can have steaks and drinks as such.

    Cindy: But yeah, I do like a night out, but if I was to choose a night out r a restaurant, I will choose restaurant, I love it, my favourite is steak.

    Floki]: I myself enjoy the nature side of things and visiting small towns and villages, but what is your dream holiday destination, even if you have not yet been?

    Cindy: At the moment, I like Thailand.
    And another country, people call me crazy, but I want to visit Iran.

    Floki: Oh, OK.

    Cindy: People call me crazy ad nobody will accept to go with me, but I have read a lot about it and so I am curious to go, burnt for long, maybe for 4 or 5 days.

    Floki: Well I understand and it is curiosity. For me, I've wanted to visit North Korea, it is a very strict county.

    Cindy: I think it is very different for women. I visited somebody a long, long time ago, maybe in 2009 in Dublin.
    He was like a posh guy who was studying at university. That kind of excited me, because I don't usually meet non Irish guys, but he was friends with a regular of mine.
    After we talked about his country and he was showing things, like how there is taxis only of ladies, lady drivers and even having parts of the train or the bus only for ladies., so I am curious.

    Floki: Well if you do go to Iran, I hope that you have a good time.

    Cindy: I think it is for the experience, it's totally different. Especially in my job, I have an open mind for different things. I know woman don't have much freedom.

    Floki: Are you a superstitious kind of person and what kind superstitions do you believe in? Why do you believe in such?

    Cindy: No, I'm not really superstitious.

    Floki: I know some people are spiritual, they believe in Karma. As for me, I don't believe in such things.

    Cindy: I believe you do good thing to have peace in mind. I like to help everybody, not because I expect to go to Paradise.
    I don't help because I believe in god, but I just help because if I can, why not, that makes me feel better.

    Floki: I agree 100% with this.
    I help because it's just the right thing to do and what we should be doing, especially during these times.

    Cindy: I help escorts and everyone need and I can help with everything as talk when someone is sad, drive someone to the shopping/hospital phone call or go somewhere with who cant speak english, I helped few people for open bank account, do pps number given my address,buying little Xmas gifts for poor children in Brazil and much more but this is only few example how I help people.
    Floki was a big pleasure to talk to you on the phone and thank you so much for being patient with me for understand my farm English ,
    I hope you enjoyed our conversation and the bands I introduced to you ❤️
    Last edited by Floki; 26-06-20 at 14:25.
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  19. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Cindy Forever For This Useful Post:

    enfr (29-06-22), Floki (11-05-20), Metro 6R4 (28-06-20), Ryankelvin (21-05-20)

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