
There are so many things i could write about this kind of discussion on this kind of "blog", mainly that it doesn't belong on an escort website!! Anyway, it's here so i may as well add my 2c...

To start with, i am not a supporter of the current Government, far from it actually. I have never voted for them and i never will and i honestly think that those that did last time round are fuckin eejits. However, that said, the vote for the Lisbon treaty should NOT be used as a way of telling the government that we are not happy with them. That is what we did in the local and european elections, and presumably the general election when it comes around.

The Lisbon Treaty is about Europe, and us going forward within Europe. Let's not be petty by voting No for the wrong reasons (i.e. to piss off the government!). The truth is that we need Europe more than ever right now, we are in the worst recession probably since the 1930s, and by far the worst performing economy in the EU. So we need all the help we can get right now, and voting No will not help our cause by any means!!

Bottom line (in case i haven't been clear): Vote YES to Lisbon, vote NO to FF in the next general election.


PS - i am aware that i have not covered the point that we have already voted on the Lisbon Treaty and that our democratic right should be respected and that by voting again we are effectively making a mockery of that. That said, i think we need to be the bigger person here, and look at the bigger picture and determine for ourselves what is best for us.

Wow, that was a long rant, sorry guys!!