I can appreciate that ninebythree feels this website could improve in several areas, and would like to see changes he feels would improve it come about. On the face of it, this is great and makes him and his feedback an asset to this site.

The problem is, ninebythree wants everything he wants done and wants it done now, and this just isn't realistic. I have taken the time to discuss some of ninebythree's ideas for this site with him in private and explained to him how much work they are.

We are very busy here at E-I, and I have as many staff as I can find at the moment. Clients are not our only priority, we also have to look after escorts.

At the moment we are developing a system to warn escorts by text message of potentially dangerous clients as soon as an attack on an escort is reported to us. This is something I've wanted to do for ages, but it is always getting put off, and I am not prepared to put it off again, to make more changes to the reviews system now instead. Especially because in the last year we have already spent a lot of time making changes to the reviews system.

It can't always be about what a few clients want me to do next. Just because ninebythree has some ideas he'd like to see implimented, doesn't mean everything can stop here for us to pander to him. Some of his ideas might be good, but until project managers, web developers, web designers etc are growing on trees in my back yard, I can't take every website improvement suggestion I get and instantly impliment it.

Trouble with ninebythree is that - despite my explaining my position to him as carefully as I can - he is like a spoilt child as soon as he doesn't get what he want instantly. I spent half the week before I banned him for a week being totally distracted by his constant childish antics. All his stupid tantrums do is waste my time and piss me off. Nobody wins when ninebythree throws a fit. He doesn't get what he wants, I don't get on with what I'm trying to do, it is just one big waste of everyone's time trying to get ninebythree to calm down and behave himself.

Ninebythree (with big daddy 69 in places) was very rude to me, to Sarah and to the moderators over the last week he was here. I'm pretty thick skinned myself, but I am not prepared to have my staff and my moderators constantly slagged, ridiculed and insulted. The way he treated Sarah just drove me over the edge. She is a lovely girl and she was trying to help him by investigating reviews he reported as suspect and he just went off on her, because he thought she didn't reply to one of his PMs, which she said she didn't receive. I removed some gross disgusting sexual filth ninebythree directed towards Sarah over this and it was too much. Yes this is an adult site, but no that doesn't mean you can direct verbally abusive sexually degrading shit at my staff whenever you please. It was too much.

I don't know if the address he was posting belongs to an agency rather than an independent. But we don't post people's full addresses here, whether they are agency or independent.

Roxy posting the names of 2 guards was not as malicious as ninebythree posting the escort address twice. We allow escorts to post the names of guards dealing with their cases in the private forum, so I can well understand an escort doing this in the public forums thinking it is ok. It was appropriate for Luther to remove the names and ask Roxy not to do it again, but it didn't warrant a week's ban.

The Patricia's real name thing is stupid. I am not going to go into it further in order to protect the person's privacy, but as I have assured ninebythree before many times it is not my name. It is however somebody's real name and I maggotted ninebythree before (some months ago) for repeatedly posting it, he really should have known a ban was on it's way if he started this up again.

The "damaging info" ninebythree threatened to publish that I mentioned is something numerous escorts would know. I didn't say it was genuinely damaging info, I said I did not like his attitude in trying to threaten me over it, and that stands.

Regards the allegation that one of our moderators is a drunk and abusive under the influence of drink. If ninebythree or any other user is verbally abused by a drunk moderator on this site, they need to let me know about this, so I can look into it. The fact that ninebythree has apparently once been verbally abused by a mod of this site does not give him the right to treat all mods like shit.

Ninebythree's reviews will not be removed. As per our published rules we don't remove reviews or message board accounts etc unless there are very exceptional circumstances. People shouldn't create them if they may want them removed at a later date.

Ninebythree could be a real asset to this website, but not unless he grows up and stops acting the bollix. To date he causes more trouble than anything else and this helps nobody. We value clients that give us good feedback and suggest good ideas, but not when that's 5% of their personality and the other 95% is trouble making.

Kliati - I PM'd you about the issue you raised that a mod here may think you are ninebythree.

Ninebythree is welcome back here after his ban expires as is big daddy 69. I can wipe the slate clean and start again with both if that's what they want, but I do think they both need to consider why I banned them for a week in the first place, as they were certainly not faultless.

In answer to his question about mods. The reason people like him were overlooked when I was looking for mods is that I can't have mods who lose their temper and post people's real names, addresses etc. Not everyone is cut out to be a mod, and it is not an insult to anyone if I don't consider them mod material, it is just that I don't think there personality is right for modding. Mods are no better or higher than other users of this website, you don't need to be a mod to be valued, listen to, respected etc in this community.

Yes I did give mods the right to ban people. Me and my staff are here 7 days a week watching over mods, so no mod is going to be going on a wild banning spree of his own accord, but constant messers registering with the only aim of causing trouble were becoming a problem, so I felt it would help if mods could ban these people themselves rather than always have to wait for me or Sarah or Nicole to do it. Now me and Sarah and Nicole just keep a check on the ban list to check nobody is being banned without very good reason.

Pat x