Hi alll
wanted to get some genuine thoughts on this.
mainly for my own safety.

couple of escorts i have seen have been in the exact same location - months apart. (same nationality)
following up from this i queried a further booking, months apart & she also stated the same location ( completely different nationality)

is this normal?
i have no problem with the girls using the same location on their own personal level but when they state they are independent....yet are all using the same apartment it seems a bit dodgy for MY OWN safety & wellbeing.

technically a brothel?

i didnt think much of it the first time as both girls were from the same country & potentially working together. but this third time has admitedly put me off a little bit.
am i being naive or what are clients/ punters thoughts.
again, absoluetly nothing against the girls....but worried for my own sake.