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Thread: Adriana in Limerick

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  1. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Irish Sadhbh View Post
    Nicegirls i appreciate you following me around, i appreciate you acknowledging you have a tiny crush but lets be realistic, you're being very juvenile if you are still harping on about me in the negative way that you are, i can assure my photos are real maybe not verified but me and just because i havn't posted in a few days-maybe i have other pressing personal non work commitments have you ever considered that?
    Oh, okay. I hope they go well for you. I never said your photos weren't real, maybe I questioned it at one point but I do believe they're yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Irish Sadhbh View Post
    Now what do you want an appointment? that will never happen when it comes to you and me because unlike others when it comes down to myself and how much my fees are for my time, no amount of money would press me into sharing the same air as somebody who is as off base about me as you are. I mean that in the nicest way, that's just me, it would go against my personality to feel obliged to do this when it would go against me being true to myself. Some escorts mightn't have standards when it comes to money. . .i am not one of them.
    I said before maybe we should go down and rough and you said no way, so I don't think anything changed in that regard. I wouldn't go behind your back and try to arrange it anyway without telling you who I was. I'm not REALLY "off base" about you, I'm sure you would hate the thought of views many clients you take have... it might just be weird that's all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Irish Sadhbh View Post
    As for the hillwalkers post, about adriana that brazilian girl, you are a long time poster and i will clue you up. If you are looking for an agency or agencies in limerick/dublin/cork/galway/the moon common sense will tell you exactly where they are. They operate normally 24-7days and their prices are 150 260. They will never post openly on these boards. Thanks for messaging me earlier on to say that my posts were getting nicer and where had i gone, of course they were getting nicer when i wasn't being constantly attacked by you. Nobody comes off as being nice if they are constantly posting defensive posts and with the carry on from you here on the board how else would i seem in my responces. i HAVN'T GONE ANYWHERE BUT IF I DO I WILL LET YOU KNOW and I WONT TIE YOU TO A RADIATOR WITH ONLY WATER
    Agency girls in cork are sometimes cheaper than independants. I'm sorry if it appeared I was attacking you in a bad way, I was just asking questions about the "irregularities", just as QuarterPoundHer and others. To be honest I doubt most people really care too much.... and it was my owner who was also wondering if you were. I know you wouldn't do that (probably). You can if you want though if you have my owner's permission.... or do whatever you want. Maybe you could tie me up as like an oddity to show to your friends and stuff, I'd let you to. JUST KIDDING!!!!! lol.... .....

    (no seriously though, I will really if you want... )

    Quote Originally Posted by Irish Sadhbh View Post
    I do think the site is the business and as i said earlier in the week getting addictive, other things in life show up and you have to attend to, including my mental health check after havin to interact with you lol xS
    Okay I understand. I was just wondering why you were away that's all. I do find the idea of you willing to have sex with literally just about any man but me a bit odd.... but okay. I wasn't texting for an appointment anyway, just saying to go on E-I... :P

    I know you're an independant Irish_Sadhbh, but I don't think punters would really care too much. Maybe one comes on every once in a while and says something about it, I don't think that's a great indication of the even smaller percentage that do care... and as stated before it's kind of obvious after a bit who is independant and who is agency. It's your allegations though about my owner etc... maybe you also feel they were a little bit exaggerated now, I don't know. Well bye, hope to chat to you again some time.
    Last edited by nicegirlsarenice; 11-06-09 at 01:08.

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