Quote Originally Posted by Joelegs View Post
Can someone please give a simple answer to what the laws are in Southern and Northern Ireland regarding meeting Escorts. Is it totally illegal, or are there any loopholes?

I think there is something regarding two escorts working in the same apartment, perhaps this constitutes a brothel??

The world is full of debates about free choice. If a lady chooses to freely work as an escort, should it not be up to her what she chooses to do, or not to do?
The legalization of prostitution would bring greater control regarding health checks, safer working conditions and more protection in the law for escorts.

I totally understand that something has to be done to stamp out human trafficking and street prostitution, but if consenting adults freely enter into a respectful service agreement and the escort is working independently of her own freewill, it should be left to both parties involved to get on with it.

Illegal to pay for sex in any case .Just bigger risk to get caught where more then one girl in the appartment.Good luck.