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Thread: An interview with Katherine TS!

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    Default An interview with Katherine TS!

    An Interview With... Katherine TS!

    Hi guys, well it is that time again in which we interview one of Ireland's most popular advertisers.
    I have managed to make some time to interview one of the lovely E-I Advertisers, getting to know them more on a personal level and learn more about their experiences.

    We also want to say that this is our first Interview with a TS escort on E-I and very excited to share it with you guys here!

    PART 1:

    Hi Katherine,

    Thank you for taking part of: 'An Interview with:'
    First of all, I think this interview is something that people will be excited about, being the first TS escort to be interviewed, I am happy to have ask you these questions and hope that everybody reading will enjoy the answers as much as I did.

    As always, I want to start off by asking a series of personal and not so personal question about you yourself and the world of Escort-Ireland and then ask you some questions in which punters like to ask.

    Floki: So starting off with the first question which I like to ask.
    When did you first arrive to Ireland and what was your first thought of the country and the people themselves?

    Katherine TS: When I moved from Paris to dublin it was kinda shocking, compared to Paris, dublin is pretty small. but the people here they won me so quickly, Irish people are lovely, kind and genuine. I was very good welcomed here by the Irish.
    Floki: Why Ireland? What attracted you to travel Ireland and what made you decide it was the place to be?I

    Katherine TS: As I always said, I've never chose Ireland, was Ireland that chosen me, I came here to visit some old friends from my childhood who were studying here at the time, and I fall in love with the people, the city and everything, I spend a couple of weeks here and it was enough to decide to stay, I went back to France, sorted everything over there and moved here right after.
    Floki: What does Ireland offer that your home country doesn't?

    Katherine TS: well, security in the first place. then quality of life and stability.
    Floki: Have you ever advertise your services in Brazil and if so, how do the locals compared to the Irish?

    Katherine TS: Yes I did. I used to do street prostitution on Brazil, which is very dangerous and not worth it, but at the time the online escorting wasn't so known in Brazil.
    The difference is huge, like back there people don't have much respect for transgender people, even though they love it. Brazil is still the country that kills more transgender in the world in a daily basis. but its also the country where "shemale porn" is most researched in the searching engines.

    Floki: Wow, I am quite shocked about it as I always would have thought knowing how they do like transgenders so much, that they would have been the safest there.
    Floki: Is there anything that you miss about your home that you do not have in Ireland?
    I live in a different country to where I am from and I do miss my family and friends, but also the food

    Katherine TS: Well, no offense but... the weather in Brazil is gorgeous. also my family and friends that have a huge place in my heart. the food in the other hand is very easy to find here, as the Brazilian community in Ireland is huge too.

    Floki: Finding the food you like, then that is a bonus then for you
    Floki: What made you decide that escorting was something for you and how did you come to hearing about Escort-Ireland?

    Katherine TS: I've never though of escorting before I actually need it. Back home transgenders don't have opportunities to work or study as they have here, back at the time we were not inserted in the society, nowadays things are getting better, but with the politics the way it is in the country, it has been retrograding everything we fought hard to conquer.
    when I moved to Ireland I was already in the scene, so isn't har to know where to go and what to do.
    Floki: At what age did you first know that you were female and did you start wearing female clothing at that stage or as you got older?

    Katherine TS: I've always knew I was different, never really fitted in anything "normal" always felt weird on myself, but I couldn't understand what was going on as I was too young. When I understood I couldn't start my journey because of the fear of a very conservative society and family. I had to finish my studies first and than I started my journey.

    Floki: It must have bee tough to go through it without any help and as you stated before, Brazil was just not ready or open minded about transgenders, but the world is changing and is not looked down upon so much as before.
    Floki: Do people often question your sexuality when you say you're transsexual?

    Katherine TS: Some people don't understand the difference between identity of gender and sexual orientation
    M being a trans woman means I see myself as a woman. not necessarily we'll be attracted to men.
    You can be a lesbian ts or bi ts or straight. if you're attracted to men, you're a straight trans woman, attracted to other girls, obviously gay/lesbian ts. or both, what means you're bissexual. that wouldn't change the fact that your gender is female, you're trans.

    Floki: I liked your answer to this and hope that it will help people understand this a little more.
    Floki: How often do people ask about your genitalia and would you ever consider having surgery to have it removed?

    Katherine TS: Well, in the industry it's a question you hear daily, clients are always curious about that, but in my personal life I'm barely questioned about these things.
    Floki: Do people often question your sexuality when you say you're a transsexual?

    Katherine TS: Always
    Floki: Have you ever, or would you ever performed adult films with punters you have met through your time advertising as an escort?

    Katherine TS: As they see me in the scene, many of them ask me if they can be part of my just for fans page, but I don't really do cause sharing someone else's images online is a very dangerous thing. unless that we can get to an agreement before.
    Floki: If you had not entered the world of escorting, what kind of work would you have been doing or would have enjoyed to doing?

    Katherine TS: I'm definitely not staying in the scene for much longer as this was never my goal, my dream since a child is to be a plane pilot, who knows haha. but nowadays im aiming at IT and International Relations.
    Floki: Which has been your favourite place or country to advertise?

    Katherine TS: Well, I like it here, but also Denmark has caught my eyes while I was there.
    Floki: Do you remember your first client and how did you think it went?

    Katherine TS: Yes I do. It's impossible to forget your first client, ever. It was a complete disaster, I had no idea of what I was doing or supposed to do, but the lad understood it and took it easy with me. Experience comes with time.

    Floki: Well I will have to assume that many other advertiser will have to agree with you on this.
    Once you are more experience, it will become more easier, even come quite natural without thinking.
    Last edited by Floki; 29-11-19 at 11:07.

  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (13-10-19), j81 (29-09-19), Escort AdvertiserKarllaFucker (27-09-19), MartaMod (27-09-19), Punter08 (27-09-19), TomEA (30-09-19)

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