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Thread: E-I Interview with Scankman

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    Dec 2007
    Blog Entries

    Smile E-I Interview with Scankman

    Hello to all and welcome to the E-I Interview. This month we have Scankman revealing all!!!

    Q1. So how long have you been Punting and how many ladies do you reckon you’ve visited?
    About 20 years, I started very young. I’d say worldwide around 400 & some of them you wouldn’t class as ladies, female alright (just about) I was drinking back then!

    Q2. Has Punting affect your normal relationships with women in a positive or negative sense?
    TIME, it’s all about time, in & out in an hour some of them super models, no hassle.
    As Harvey says “no hooks, no catches”, if they’re that good go back again. But yes, for the last 10 years relationships have been sparse because of the time element involved. I’ve just been busy running the country during the Celtic tiger.

    Q3. Do you have any friends/family that also punt?
    Loads of friends I’m like their Godfather when they’re looking for a new punt they ring me for advice on who’s in town and the best value for money. Also I’ve seen my brother in parts of town he wouldn’t normally be seen in???

    Q4. Out of all the ladies you’ve met have you ever fallen for one?
    Oh yeah, she is the perfect lady, all round world champion totally smitten would leave the country if I got the call, talk nearly every day too her on-line/phone, she is South American, my score card would read max points.

    Q5. Would you ever marry an Escort or are you in a relationship with one now?
    Yes I would!

    Q6. So what were your funniest and scariest experiences in Punting?
    Funniest, played indoor football for 2 hours was feeling great, went into town for massage. I was on the bed getting a big oily rub down magnificent experience with the happy ending. Well I was just about to release the swimmers when I cramped up BAD, Real BAD. Well I was screaming like a little girl and the lady thought I was cuming and started pulling harder. Well I fell off the bed with her hanging out of me like she was falling off a cliff. Wasn’t funny when it happened, but when I look back it was. So now I do my stretches before and after footie.
    Scariest, when I called to a place that I hadn’t been to before, knocked on the door and heard the Lap-Dance shoes banging up the hall on the wooden floor (like river-dance) someone looked out the peep-hole and didn’t answer the door and nobody else came out either. So if you’re my Cousin/Aunt/Sister God forbid, I hope you got the same scare as me.

    Q7. Do you prefer to meet independents or agency girls?
    Short and sweet answer is independents all day. I find you’re more on the clock with agency girls because they’re been monitored but there are some stunning model types at agencies.

    Q8. Do you ever travel abroad to meet girls you visited here in Ireland?
    Yes I have but they have been very special ladies who I get on really well with and would have gone out with while they were here. So they are classed as friends.

    Q9. What countries have you Punted in?
    Too many to list, nearly all of Europe even some of the ones that are in the Eurovision that don’t qualify. There are some nice little fillies in South America but Asia is my next little adventure soon. Scankman on tour soon.

    Q10. Do you meet Escorts socially or do you prefer to keep it as business?
    Yes I meet socially with Escorts. We go out for lunch/dinner sometimes if they finish early enough we would go to a club or late bar. Once I and two ladies went to a lap dancing club but there was more interest in the ladies I was with than the dancers. They were fit that night.

    Q11. Do you have any specific fetish requirements for your appointments?
    I love to give the ladies a massage. I feel it relaxes them more and I have a little routine.
    Some try to rush you even if they are getting pleasure out of it. But for me nothing kinky yet, I’m only young so maybe in the future.

    Q12. Has an Escort ever offered you bareback?
    NO WAY Pedro as Dell-Boy would say. I would like to think that the ladies I go to see are more sophisticated and educated than the pepper canister or Benburb type and have a little respect for their clients. Your only as good as your last punt, word travels fast.

    Q13. How often are you let down with double bookings?
    Not very often. These days it’s much better. There’s plenty of good looking ladies around so not so bad queuing to spend your hard earned yoyo.

    Q14. Were you ever stopped by the Gardai for anything Escort related?
    Who told you I was a copper that’s hearsay that wouldn’t hold up in court. Touch wood (excuse the pun) happily No.

    Q15. Were you ever involved in Pimping?
    Did you say PUMPING no sorry, pimping ……… Some of the girls will tell you yes. That’s because of the way I dress, (Platform shoes) I got them cheap when the spice girls split up. Six button baggies from my cousin from Finglas and very loud shirts from a women in Meath ST. TWO FOR A TENNER with huge collars and don’t forget the medallion. But no, I think for the work the ladies do they deserve all the money they earn.

    Q16. What changes over time do think have most affected “The Game”?
    Taking it off the streets for one has made it a little more respectable for both parties.
    THE INTERNET, where would we be wandering around the cities of Ireland looking for a punt without it. It’s so much easier with the shopping channel Escort Ireland.

    Q17. What are your thoughts on E-I and how can it be improved for the Punter?
    Few little points; verification is most important, single user accounts only, no girls using more than one profile and a little e-mail or a quick call to E-I to let people know your gone home would be thoughtful.

    Q18. Why don’t you engage with the discussion forums on E-I?
    TIME. I’d love to engage in verse with the lads & ladies but I’m into research so I have to constantly keep searching for new talent coming to our fair land. Punting costs so much I can’t afford to make too many mistakes. I bet you thought I had a good job when I went into all that research bullshit. Also I can’t type my secretary is typing this so my SECRET is out now. Hope your happy me mum’s my secretary.

    Q19. What are your thoughts on the current price war in Ireland between escorts?
    Quality will always rise to the top you get what you pay for. Now there are some fine ladies in this game that are well worth the money & more but while the recession is in full swing and the price is low for the quality we have now, long may that last.

    Q20. What do you think the rates in Ireland should be?
    A lot of eastern European countries are worse off than we are but the quality of girl over there is as good as we have but on average 30/50 euro cheaper than here. Personally I think max 100 euro for half an hour & 180/200 for an hour sorry girls if your reading this. But I would regard myself as well traveled and yes apartments are expensive over here but now you’ve got to tell your landlord your looking for a rent reduction there are bargains to be had in the rental market too so get in line with your European sisters & cousins. I’m probably barred from some of the overpriced apts now!

    Q21. How long can you go without seeing an Escort?
    Have you seen my right arm? Ages when I’m broke, realistically not very long maximum about 3 or 4 weeks but whoever she is that gets the nod on that day will have her work cut out, she will earn her money that day.

    Q22. So how do you choose you’re Escorts?
    First impressions is with the photo. I’ve a thing for blonds with “road frontage” as Darcy would say. Large on top but slim, a slim14 (if there is such a thing) 12 is good 10
    with a bit meat on her bones, hate giving a massage to a skinny bird (all bone no muscle)
    but in general anyone that looks fit, even if they are carrying a little weight they may have the height to pull it off (another pun).

    Q23. OK So after 110 reviews one must ask the obvious, are you proud to be addicted or just in heavy denial?
    Sucker for a good looking women! More time on my hands to write reviews cause I’m not on the forum with some of the legends Bigpaws/Ber/Zobaanzoo to name a few and your good self MR RIC FLAIR a legend also.

    Q24. So will you ever stop Punting?
    Of course I will but it will be hard. Someday soon it will fall off and then the kinky stuff will start with the tongue, rimming & stuff like that but as long as I can I WILL.

    Q25. Finally in your opinion which Escort in Ireland currently provides the best oral/OWO?
    Andrew fuck off I’m joking. I’m as straight as an arrow ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    There are a lot of contenders for this accolade (back in a minute) SORRY had to look at my favorites WOW there is a few, now if I say the wrong thing some of them will be sharpening there teeth for the next time I get oral/OWO but one that cums to mind is Jasmin (brazil) she got my hundred vote, she is a quality lady there is a lot that run a very close second, now if any girls want to knock Jasmin off the top spot there is free trials this weekend at a venue close to you. Now that takes care of Ireland but there is a little lady out there on this little planet which I’d give my top vote too any day. She keeps in touch with the site and lets me know how many reviews I have from a long way away so if your reading this YOU ARE SPECIAL!

    Thank you, for letting me rant, keep up the good work E-I & RIC.
    Lads keep reviewing we need to know, over & out SCANKMAN.
    Last edited by RicFlair; 08-06-09 at 03:35.
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

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