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Thread: How likely is it for a raid to happen on a massage salon?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Random3736279 View Post
    Going to one soon, for a first time. Really looking forward to it (it's a real massage salon with a few extra services). I'm assuming i'm safe even if i''m stopped afterwards because they do provide normal massage services, and the only thing that could go wrong is being busted in the act. I assume it's not likely because i haven't seen any news reports - has this happened to anyone? What would be the course of action?
    Interesting this Random as i over the last while am visiting alot in an licenced or registered massage saloon and am getting my needs seen to,to clear this up there are massage palours and then there are massage palours, i'm talking about genuine licenced palours here where all taxes are paid and acting within the law, raids on genuine and licenced premises are very unlikely and and thats what makes it so much more relaxed. I didnt expect much when i first started going but am now surprised at how good it is, really relaxing and a happy ending for all, pm me if you want details
    Last edited by TheIncredibleSulk; 10-10-19 at 15:25.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by TheIncredibleSulk View Post
    Interesting this Random as i over the last while am visiting alot in an licenced or registered massage saloon and am getting my needs seen to,to clear this up there are massage palours and then there are massage palours, i'm talking about genuine licenced palours here where all taxes are paid and acting within the law, raids on genuine and licenced premises are very unlikely and and thats what makes it so much more relaxed. I didnt expect much when i first started going but am now surprised at how good it is, really relaxing and a happy ending for all, pm me if you want details
    Totally agree... I have redirected my activities to massage parlors lately. I feel they are completely safe. As mentioned I stick to the fully legit ones, prominently located, fully licenced with nothing to hide. I certaintly avoid the 'back alley' ones. Thai places are great and there's always the nice happy ending and sometimes more on offer..

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by TheIncredibleSulk View Post
    Interesting this Random as i over the last while am visiting alot in an licenced or registered massage saloon and am getting my needs seen to,to clear this up there are massage palours and then there are massage palours, i'm talking about genuine licenced palours here where all taxes are paid and acting within the law, raids on genuine and licenced premises are very unlikely and and thats what makes it so much more relaxed. I didnt expect much when i first started going but am now surprised at how good it is, really relaxing and a happy ending for all, pm me if you want details

    Hey , what part of the country are you located in?

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by philipkntz View Post
    With regard to client nakedness during a "proper" massage, 20 to 30 years ago, it was considered natural for the client to go fully naked for a full massage, with draping of course. Nowadays, its rare for legit house to work this way, especially with new clients. These days I find that normally I am asked to undress but keep pants on, but sometimes it's undress to my comfort level and occasionally everything off.
    Interestingly, I visited a legit place in Amsterdam for a cbd oil massage, I was totally naked and undraped, every inch of my body was massaged but not sexually and no happy ending.
    We talking about Ireland Philip. Here clients are covered during the massage and only undressed to the pant. I just got certificated as a masseuse therapist and the teacher insisted a lot about this aspect to not touch or uncover any 'delicate' part of the client and make sure he is fully covered during massage only the body part u massage being uncovered
    Last edited by FetishCherry; 11-10-19 at 12:04.
    Always Smile

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    To be fair I have been to both legit and no so legit places and most place just go with the flow if you feel comfortable naked just go naked

  6. #16


    There have been raids already. I was told my a girl that a place on Mary St near Capel St was visited 2 times by the girls, no clients inside at the time.

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