Quote Originally Posted by ford pefect View Post
I’m not sure if losing your virginity to an escort is a good idea, In my experience good sex with a good escort far exceeds domestic sex with a non escort,
It's a terrible idea. He won't get to share the build up and anticipation with his girlfriend. He won't get to talk it out with feeling and caring. He won't get to talk and share how he and his girlfriend feels afterwards. He won't get to ly back with his girlfriend and feel the closeness and affection afterwards with the most important person in the world to him at that time.

There is no reciprocation in it. Him and the escort are on different wavelengths. He is having a monumental experience that should be shared with someone he feels for and who feels for him. Instead when he is finished losing it, there is no lying back with his girlfriend in his arms and enjoying the experience to its fullest. Instead he has to leave because his time is up because the woman he is with doesn't give a shit about him and rightly so. His head will be all over the place if he loses it to an escort and he will be left with more questions than answers, and he won't have the person he lost it to to talk it through.

It's a very bad idea.

And if you think sex with an escort is better than sex with a normal girl, you could not be more wrong.