Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Singh View Post
in case you forget its that novel with the aposel that shafted Jesus.Well ,thats Pats Bodyguard for you.Oh yes ,at the start of his modding fun and frolics he got attacked by a few children and i,Westside,came to his aid.Fast forward the clock and I,Westside ,was attacked when i modded (yes sweetie i actually modding for a few long days) and he shafted me,just like Judas shafted Jesus but only worse.In the end,being a man of great integrity,i handed back my modding crown to the powers that be (after i deleted half the site,god thats was funny shite and also very therapuetic).

A man of integrity always does the right thing (ahhahahahahahha)

My memory of it is different

You were a complete disaster as a mod you were far too unstable, you shafted yourself with your own antics and in the end you handed back the mod crown before it was taken from you anyway.