Whatever they're called there is certainly a need for a section dedicated to them, it should cover the country but the location should be added each time a "part-timer" is mentioned or recomended.

It's up to us punters to keep each other informed with what's happening in our local area, lot's of us love to meet the regular escort for that bit of extra attention/class but judging by the number of posts looking for "On Street Girls" there is an obvious need for this section too . This site should be able to cater for both tastes.

Looking at Limerick, Puss&Boots seems to have a decent numbers of clients but I'd be shocked to know that she is the only local girl offering this type of service, so come on lads spill the beans and let everyone know whats happening out there with these "yellow pack escorts"

PS. The gardai have a reserve force maybe the escorts should have a "reserve force" too