Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
No she's not from the tabloid media.

I'm the first person here to criticise journos
And I'm the second person around here to criticise them. However as C Ryan is female and maybe good looking, I will make an exception on this occasion.

Just a few pithy observations on this thread.

1. Brother Cal, congratulations on your 1000th post......the velum scroll is in the post to you brother.

2. Nicegirlsarenice you're in charge of the K9 directorate......so stop being rude and obusive towards the human members of the site. In the good old days, before Brother Big Paws absconded, his task was to initiate the newbies and give them a spot of grief to see if they were made of the right stuff. I assisted him on occasions and since his sudden departure, I have taken it upon myself to rough-up the newbies in a friendly sort of way. So if you want to bite new members, kindly go through the proper channels and fill out the appropriate application form in triplicate.

3. Should Brother RicFlair not be consulted regarding C Ryan's on-site work?......after all he is the official E-I interveiwer and we don't want a demarcation dispute on our hands.

4. Brother Qph stop deleting C. Ryan's posts and make yourself generally useful to the lady............if she needs help in writing up her piece, you're the man for the job.

5. Finally C. Ryan, as you will probably discover from the replies that you receive from the ladies of E-I, quite a few don't have the best command of the English Language. Brother Cal is an expert interpreter and has provided some valuable assistance to some of the ladies here.

6. Ignore any replies that you get from Rover, Mousy or Black Bess......they aint human.

7. Your question to the gents regarding feelings of guilt is irrelevant. If we want to confess our sins, the members can available of Fr. Casey's confessional, or alternatively they can go and have a chat with Jasus, Padre Pio or Luther who are all fellow members and available to us if we need to unburden ourselves.

8. Finally you seem to be labouring under the preconception that the escorts are an exclusively female group within E-I....this is not the case, as we have a small proportion of escorts who are male, were male or who don't dress as males.