Quote Originally Posted by PatsySmith View Post
Great post ! Thanks for the message and the support the other day. You seem like one of the good guys.
Cheers Pat as I believe everyone right to voice their opinion and be heard on what they believe. Like you had the right to speak and say what you believe. IMO Honesty is best policy and believe me these Ladies are good judge of character of Gents they meet.

But self praise is no praise. But honesty can cost you friends to as I found out, it not good all the time to speak what you know is true. Sometimes is best to leave to other or stay out of it.

Quote Originally Posted by SuitedAndBooted View Post
Yep he does seem like one of the good guys.
Yes but the Ladies don't like a Good Guy in the bedroom all times
As he become hard work or boring twit like me, who make her lie on bed and nearly fall asleep listening to me talking to her. IMO they prefer Bad Guy in a naughty consenting way who know what he want and put a smile on the Lady face

Now that mate is honest post and you on path to becoming a Good Guy in naughty consenting way.

One to add to the list is !

Don't sit on chair too long and start up a boring long conversation, as the Lady either like you which is very rare or hate and want to k*ll you which is very common if you do that.

So don't follow my advice, as anyone could have a bra thrown at them ( Which has happen to me once, a bra thrown at me or the window look nice way out )