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Thread: Just an Observation

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by topdawg View Post

    I actually made two points. You are well known for ignoring the points that are relevant, so I am not surprised.

    The most relevant one related to your attempts to appear intellectual when in fact you cannot even spell. I could go on and on. My advice to you is to keep quiet. You are what is commonly referred to as an "intellectual masturbator" although in your case, it is more an aspiration rather than a reality...

    I actually believe that you are a deep thinker, but unfortunately you do not have the basic education to back it up.

    I would not normally be so cutting, however, since you are such an ***********, I cannot help myself from cutting you down to size....

    Do your worst, go on, I dare you... I will enjoy this.

    dayumm... I'm usually on your side (because for whatever reason Magnificent AnnaS likes you) but he's got you there QuarterPoundHer.....
    Last edited by Quarterpoundher; 27-05-09 at 23:55. Reason: att quote only

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by topdawg View Post

    I actually made two points. You are well known for ignoring the points that are relevant, so I am not surprised.

    The most relevant one related to your attempts to appear intellectual when in fact you cannot even spell. I could go on and on. My advice to you is to keep quiet. You are what is commonly referred to as an "intellectual masturbator" although in your case, it is more an aspiration rather than a reality...

    I actually believe that you are a deep thinker, but unfortunately you do not have the basic education to back it up.

    I would not normally be so cutting, however, since you are such an ********, I cannot help myself from cutting you down to size....

    Do your worst, go on, I dare you... I will enjoy this.

    You joined Several months before me but needed a resource of some 1400 plus posts by me to work all that out and waited until now to do so. I could have saved you the bother as several times now I have said that I have zero secondary education and my primary education was basic as best. I also have stated many time over that I am nothing remotely what some have said I was such as a teacher or writer. I am an ordinary Joe and do ordinary jobs some of which are stated in my profile since day one. I never once pretended to be anything other then what I am.

    As for doing my worst as you say. If you think I am going to engage in cyber shadow boxing with yet another tiresome profile of another long time poster here with nothing better to do then play cyber shrink you have another thing coming and need to find a new patient Dr Feelgood. Plenty to choose from here…

    Btw you say you would not normally be so cutting. A look at your posts suggests otherwise and also shows you have rather an obsession with nit picking.

    Luther is the resident shrink here and as a mod I get 50% discount so tah for the psycho babble but no tah… I'm grand...

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by jasser View Post
    Ive been a member of this site for a number of years now and have been punting for over 10 years now here and abroad and I prefer not to give reviews and think of myself as a passive user of this site and i must add this is the best site on-line etc. But this is something that i have been observing with interest and just wondered if anyone else has noticed this also. Either the vast majority of punters on here are foreign, or just have bad literacy or something else is going on ? If you are to read the reviews on here you will notice this also Recession what recession if you are to go by whats written on here. Regards and safe punting to all.

    i appreciate your decision not to reveiw escorts but i think you are no benefit to the punters on this site ........

    you read reviews posted by other punters , take their advise and yet you dont impart any feedback. You say u have been punting for 10 years , surely a review or two from you could have saved a fellow punter from wasting their money. I agree the review system at the moment is a joke but you friend are no help to it either


  4. Default

    It could be both an increase in foreign language reviewers and a decline in the literacy of Irish reviewers.

    The English language is becoming something different from what it used to be. Its 19th century grammatical rules and syntactical conventions have dissolved very quickly over the last decade.

    But what does that matter ....the language is merely becoming something different for a different world.

    As to the review system, has there ever been a reliable review system ? I think not.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    J I think you misunderstood me, I didnt think you were being racial. I do know that there is a vast majority of guys like yourself who use the review system yet never post reviews. If more guys that use the system add to the review system it would be beneficial for all. As for the language.... I dont understand texts half the time from friends, language has definately much more slang to it now than ever & hard to understand at the best of times lol

    L x
    Last edited by Naughtynatalie; 26-05-09 at 23:07.

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