Quote Originally Posted by Stewie View Post
I rarely if ever seen you there and I rarely seen abuse in there of any kind.

It died because

A it was broken so often

B it was so hard to find a lot of people were unaware of its existense
Just because I was not in there as qp does not mean I was not in there as I made use of the very handy private chat function but I saw abuse a plenty going on in the background as it was very much a gloves off place and even an argument can be made for it being that as no one is forced to go in there but I recall many a time last year when the vibe was very good and a nice mix of both sides but that has become less and less over the first few months of this year and that is an inescapable fact.

You’re A and B are possible factors also but it did have its zenith for a few months up to last year and loads of people both male and female used it who no longer did for most of this year. When I joined last may it was not used and got a bit of a kick start a month or so later and was very successful for a good many months but I don’t think it was a case of people not knowing about it.