One thing in its favor is people chat on it during the day more or that it is used earlier in the evening. Don't know why that is but with old chat it was more a late night thing.

Another good thing is it has a more equal useage of both Escort and Client and the old one had become mostly males using it apart from the odd occasion and I think Escorts use this one simply because there is a record of what is said and all can see it. The old chat had become mostly a place to get very nasty and far worse then anything said on forum and as a result Escorts left that had been in there.

I don't see why we can't have both this one and the old one and then people can use which ever one they want and which ever is the most used will be plain for all to see. The private chat function was a good feature of the old chat and is a loss...

For whatever reason old chat just died and it was only the same few that used it more often then not. This new one has given it some new life.