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Thread: Reviews

  1. #21


    Firstly I have to say thank you to Anita ,Alyssa, Lynne & Sasha and also to the guys !!! for those very generous remarks.

    This discussion is meant to be about the quality of reviews. I can't say if clients are too generous with their reviews or not. Its not really for me to comment on that. I am very grateful for the many positive reviews I get. They mean a lot to me.

    All I can say to "Jim E Dangerously" is if you ever did come to see me and you did not have a good time, thats a pity.{However suprisingly do sound like the guy i met in Dublin who wrote me a very critical review} From what guys write and tell me and the many, many guys who come back again and again, it doesn't seem to happen often. I respect the fact that people pay hard earned money to come and see me and I put a lot of effort in to try to make sure it doesn't happen. This is my chosen profession and I am proud of the fact that guys go away from meeting me with a smile on their face. I think people give me good reviews because of that. Many of my reviews are from well established clients who have reviewed many others and whose reviews are respected and relied on.

    Furthermore, my pictures aren't fake so if someone comes to see me, they meet the woman they saw in the pictures. If you came to see me expecting to meet someone with model looks then you really have been doing too much of something that has made you go blind !

    I am fully aware that i may not be everyones cup of tea

    Good punting Jim, but put your glasses on and look properly at the pictures the next time !
    Last edited by Brown Sugar; 24-05-09 at 14:08. Reason: typo error

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Wells said Brown Sugar. the topic has now shifted to the mens and womens percivement of beauty
    Join the E-I Fantasy Football League

  3. #23


    Let's face 90% of the reviews on this site are bullshit, it sticks out a mile

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Another 'more for less' type

    After re-reading Jim's entry, it seems to me that he is of the 'demand more for less' persuasion. His post, though perhaps not the most well thought-out and expressed, seems to be yet another call for higher expectations and standards regarding looks and levels of services available/included to be imposed on escorts by punters. I think he believes that if punters were 'harder' on escorts when it came to recommendations and reviews, then levels/quality of 'service and satisfaction' would go up, and that prices for those services would correspondingly go down, depending on the number of good, bad, or so-so reviews that each lady receives. And he also seems to be suggesting, perhaps most inappropriately, that ladies who do not meet some abitrary and very subjective 'standard' or 'criteria' of looks and beauty should charge less for their services.

    I personally have to disagree with this line of thought and this call to be 'harder' when giving reviews. I've been punting for several years, and I've NEVER had a lady ask if I'm a poster/reviewer on E-I, or if I planned on reviewing her afterwards, let alone if I was going to give her a good review or not, and to try and encourage other punters to be less generous with their reviews is wrong. Most of the ladies out there are NOT trying to mislead anyone (except maybe for those few who submit FAKE reviews for themselves, which we know happens occasionally), but certainly punters are DEFINATELY not going to try and be misleading about their experiences with a lady; why would I be anything but honest about a review of my time with an escort? If I had a really amazing time with her, I'm going to say so; if it had bits that I didn't like, those things will be mentioned as well. Or, if was just horrible, I'll say that too! Each person can then hopefully make as informed of a decision as they can based on reviews submitted by others, but they have to keep in mind that that still isn't a guarantee that things will be just as great if were to visit the same escort.

    I can fully appreciate that not everyone is going to 'click' when they meet, plain and simple as that. And what's more, we as punters can never know what's been going on with the ladies we decide to see at any given time; we could go and see a lady with 100's of good reviews, no negatives, and things could still not go well, whether the 'chemistry' just wasn't there, or if something else was on the ladies' mind. You can never know what was going on before you ring or arrive there; maybe some pimp was calling and threatening her, maybe there was some trouble with the neighbours or the Gardai, maybe some bad news in their personal lives, we can never know. All of these things can happen and can affect how 'good' your level of service is.

    I agree with Jim on the point that reviews ARE there to help other punters make a more informed decision regarding whom they decide to visit, as I agree, no one wants to just throw your money away if they think they're not going to have a good time. Where Jim definately has it wrong is that punters should increase their expectations and be harder when it comes to giving postive reviews. This seems to me like just another shallow attempt to call for more service, lower prices, and 'better looking' women. I agree with everyone else that if Brown Sugar was not a particular person's 'cup of tea' as Brown Sugar herself put it, then they should definately put a bit more stock in the photos of the ladies when he makes a choice regrading what lady to visit. Certainly there's someone out there that IS his 'cup of tea', but the rest of his statement seems to me as just another version of the 'more for less' argument, and that's not an argument worth getting into.

    Cable 87
    Last edited by Cable87; 24-05-09 at 12:52.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Its obvious enough,

    he called into see her and she didnt trip over herself over him and he came back to dig her the most hurtful way someone can dig a woman,her looks.I dont know a woman alive that wants to feel that she is unattractive.It takes a bigger man to understand that no matter who or what a guy is,he will always find some that like him and others that dont.

    This post is without doubt a dig a Brown Sugar because the purpose of the thread could easily be shown without bringing anyones name into it and i also found it strange that he qoutes that he wasnt picking on Brown Sugar so why name her on the first place?


    PS she is a feminist though.She thanked all the women and none of men.So i feel its time for me to find a new username and begin "The Battle or the Sugar."On my bike and BRB.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by doozer121 View Post
    Wells said Brown Sugar. the topic has now shifted to the mens and womens percivement of beauty
    Wish it would doozer, let's move forwards and not let one mans opinion get the better of us,
    the lady in question is a cracker with a lot to offer. I'll be in the queue when she returns to Dublin.
    Last edited by rover; 24-05-09 at 13:35. Reason: left out a word.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Blog Entries


    Fortunately, since the amount of AGENCIES posing as independents, offering CRAP service, FAKE photos and REVIEWS has increased, GENUINE INDEPENDENTS can now afford to opt out of the review system and lower the quality of service we offer And you know what that means-LOWER STANDARDS ALL AROUND
    Last edited by anitasizzle; 24-05-09 at 13:40.

  8. #28


    Hey, no matter what: the customer is always right!

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Singh View Post
    She thanked all the women and none of men.So i feel its time for me to find a new username and begin "The Battle or the Sugar."On my bike and BRB.

    I have edited my text

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by PadrePio View Post
    Let's face 90% of the reviews on this site are bullshit, it sticks out a mile
    ahem! hate to bring this up but u promised to write me a fake review only last nite sweet cheeks

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