She caught me checking her out at a meeting. I didn't stare at her or anything, I just had a quick glance. But she caught me. She is married to a strapping six footer (I am five foot 6) and they have two children. The weird thing is she has still been very friendly to me since then. She was friendly to me before that too though. I even blanked her a few times and she still said hello to me. I must qualify this by saying this girl is super-friendly to everyone (regardless of their gender). If smiling was an Olympic sport she would win a gold medal for certain. She smiles and says hello to mostly everyone (although I have obviously not witnessed every time she has met a person in work). I was annoyed at myself for looking at her so I blanked her deliberately a couple of times to sort of even things up.
I ignored her completely one day while we were both in the kitchen. That wasn't anything to do with her really though cause I am a programmer and I was stuck on a problem I couldn't fix and I was pissed off about it. She works in accounts and I don't really work with her directly. I have emailed her a few times and she is very polite.
My desk is right outside the corridor where everyone comes in and out and there is a big glass window so I see everyone and they see me. Last Thursday she came in after lunch and waved to me and gave me a big smile as she walked by. I didn't wave or smile back cause it happened very quickly.
She knows I have the hots for her but I am sure she is used to that. It's kind of strange because I have been led to believe that attractive girls don't like fellas looking at them. They will sometimes be cold and unfriendly to a guy who does it because they don't want to give him any encouragement. I don't think she is a p***k-tease as she seems to be a very refined and sophisticated girl.
There's nothing in it I'm sure, it's more likely she thinks "Ah the poor fella, he thinks he has a chance with me, I better be nice to him".
Has anyone here had a similar experience?