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Thread: banjo string pain

  1. #1

    Unhappy banjo string pain

    hi all just wondering if any other men have had trouble with their banjo string(the string under your foreskin) well i've done a number on mine and it hurts real bad it happened during sex when she was on top won't say which girl it was here, as i couldn't include this info in a review. So if it happened to you what's the outcome verdict i think i need a doctor. :-(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008


    On the upside you can phone in sick to work, its amazing if you have a male boss and tell him you broke your bajo string there ae never any questions asked
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Google frenulum pain or have a look here
    Frenulum breve - no reason for circumcision

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ...john View Post
    hi all just wondering if any other men have had trouble with their banjo string(the string under your foreskin) well i've done a number on mine and it hurts real bad it happened during sex when she was on top won't say which girl it was here, as i couldn't include this info in a review. So if it happened to you what's the outcome verdict i think i need a doctor. :-(
    New a guy that tore his during sex, after several failed attempts to have it repaired by his GP he ended up having surgery to fix it...

  5. #5

    Unhappy thanks for help

    Hi all, Thanks for the help apperently Frenulum Breve is common enough, though it is very painful. I suppose you could on a pain scale i'd give it 9 out of 10 i compare that to pain suffered when you break a bone like i broke my arm before.
    So scary scary stuff it hurts when i think about it and i go faint when reading other peoples experinces on the web.

    I wouldn't wish this on anyone and remember lads is's caused by sex with girl on top I know it's good like that but don;t over do it and when her body is actully leaving the bed like she's jumping on you give up or you'll hear a pretty scary snap and a very very sharp pain ouch!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Try and see if the girl who caused it can play nurse and gently suck you back to health
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Blaaaaaa!!!


    The whole thing sounds so horrible! I'm so glad I had that whole 'foeskin issues' sorted the day I was born!

    But glad to hear you've figured out what it is John, and nice of some of the folks out there to pass you the info you were looking for.

    Hope you can get it sorted without much hassle-- and as little pain as possible!

    Cable 87

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by doozer121 View Post
    Try and see if the girl who caused it can play nurse and gently suck you back to health
    Yeah doctors orders !
    I wish it could only be that easy. But i can't have sex, even a peddle and crank is impossible right now i don't have any other options a nice soft bj would be nice, i can just about bare the pain of an erection.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Aw man thats terrible. God help the poor woman who is at the wrong end of your bell end when you are able to screw again
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default I've snapped my banjo string

    Wow, it was fuckin' sore & produced a lot of blood I remember.
    It was when I was about 20 & a very over-eager girl tugged my knob so hard it snapped. I was drunk though & it really didn't hurt properly until the following day. I never saw a doctor though, just put the boxing gloves on for a few weeks.
    & then another over-zealous girl got me again a few years later !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Same remedy & no problems since, fingers crossed.
    "I don't want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there."
    Oscar Wilde

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