Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
Where is AnnaS?

Come on guys, you have to admit it's getting very, very strange that she hasn't posted by now!!!!

So she just disappeared off the face of the planet is it?

Why would she just stop posting and not reply to texts either? Where now are there no computers...? It's extremely worrying at this stage!!! I'm sure 95% chance she is fine... but someone may have imprisoned her or be trying to traffick her or anything!!!!

I think we should treat this with the seriousness it deserves and try to get Pat involved and then just in the small chance something is wrong... we might be able to help.

Does anyone have any information about her or know anyone who she had a grudge with, any information at all...?
Have you considered the possibility that your obsessive behaviour and her disappearance may be linked? In other words, maybe your increasingly strange posts have started to frighten her and she's thought it best to leave the country. I'm not just trying to annoy you, I'm quite serious. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it's a possibility you should consider.