Quote Originally Posted by the dark horse View Post
let's brighten up the image of the industry and add our own personal funny experiences. . .here's mine

The ACADEMY of trial and error
One of the funniest things ever to happen me while i was working in rathmines. I worked in an old georgian building 3 floors high. The front door was out onto the main street, and it was always left opn for customers to discreetly push in and close over behind them as the stood in front of door no. 2 waiting for one of us to go all the way down one flight of about 500 stairs and then walk a 5000 foot hall before reaching the front door, where we could suspiciously eye up the next customer and make sure he looked genuine before opening up our world to him. One day i was really tired from the constant thread up down up down and dreading my turn to the long walk AGAIN, had just made a cuppa snd was settling into a nice conversation when the buzz of the bell goes. Up i get and run down and down and down until i eventually make it, i take a little peek, nobody! ffs all the way down and some messer buzzing so i make my way up an up up and buzz buzz the bell is going again, the other girl has started to come down as she thinks it's customer number 2, no i say i think it was someone messing, maybe this is a genuine customer now, so down down, down and have another peek out the spyhole nobody ffs nobody!! it's some messers, i shout up to stacey,and just then i hear a little tap at the door, i look out i can't see anyone, i start to walk away and hear a voice, please will you let me in, i look out agin, hello is there someone there, yes says a mans voice please open the door, ME: BUT I CAN'T SEE YOU, stand in front of the door, i am standing in front of the door he says, no, no you're not i can't see you, with that stacey shouts down, jesus it's my regular yes he is there just open the bleedin door!!! so i did, to a man 2foot high. He laughed that much over what had happened, he made what could have been a disasterous situation ok, and he was right i never did forget that incident, it always makes me smile xxx
lol... haha... that sounds like something from a fairytale.

Good thing everything turned out okay.