As a number of posters before me have noted, the review submission process isn't working properly. Even if you get the message "Thank you for submitting an escort review..." your review may still be lost. Contrary to what some people have suggested, it's not just negative reviews which go missing. I submitted positive reviews for Janet and for Diana M on Sunday and got the confirmation message. Today Sarah tells me that neither review can be found. I've resubmitted Janet's. Diana's tour has ended, so I can't resubmit hers. This message isn't meant as a complaint, however. I have a number of concrete suggestions for reviewers and staff:


- Type the text of your review into an editor and save it in a file. Then copy it into the review window. This makes resubmitting relatively painless.

- Check to see whether it appears. If it's not there within 24 hours then bug the staff.


- It would be nice if we could check on the status of our reviews. Programming this would require some work, but it would allow reviewers to catch missing reviews much earlier and resubmit. In particular, there would be less danger of the escort's tour ending before the problem is noticed. Also, we wouldn't have to bug you nearly as often.

- I think Pat is getting sick of hearing this from me, but we need a system which allows us to submit reviews of escorts who have just finished their tours.