He is an American man. Not Irish. Thats why I asked the Irish boys who love me to sort his ass out on his next holiday back in ireland. I know you all know what Im talking about. Some of the tourists who come over from America and they are just so rude, but have this attitude like they are doing us a favor. He had a smelly ass, asked for a discount when he had the money on him, and knocked my head hard into a heavy duty steal piece of gym equiptment. That never happened to me before. That a client hurt me like that. But what just really got me upset and had me post it here, is that he was talking about kissing the blarney stone, and driving the ring of kerry and saw dingle, and he was going on and on about Ireland, then he is such a monster and hurt me bad. So he will be back there and to be sure Ill give you his info if you want to avoid him. Last time he said he went with his wife, but he has an obsession with Irish girls, and he is violent.