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Thread: The truth the whole truth!!!!!!!

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Gordo View Post
    but in the end we are paying for all those fake appointments.
    Well said.....maybe if more guys realised this and had common decency to communicate, girls may be able to charge better rates...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default I empathise but ..........

    Have you not heard of Ryanair ? You could have been here & back for £30 return if you'd been more professional about booking. I regularly go to the UK on business & only booked flights for a meeting next mth. at less than £30 return.
    The pets thing is not usual I'm sure & that's your choice.
    You can book hotels in Dublin, respectable ones, for less than you seem to have paid. Where were you staying ? Mind you, an appartment gives some privacy a hotel wouldn't & the cost wasn't huge.
    Regarding the fake booking / no shows this appears to come with the territory in Dublin. The agencies largely seem to book out the newbies to deter them & it's worked with you it would appear. Fuckin' agencies & pimps should all be burned !
    Sorry for your experience but you are probably lucky as many I'm sure have made a loss trying out new business ventures.
    "I don't want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there."
    Oscar Wilde

  3. #13
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    Hmmmm .... Sasha was NEW on the site.
    From my own experience, that means receiving a lot of attention (positive attention in her case, as the lady is attractive) and that normally translates into good business.

    I started in Dublin, a day before Valentine's (this year), which is traditionally not great for business. Men use their hard earned cash to buy meals and presents for the women in their lives and even the single guys are hoping to get dates. The area was packed with working ladies, some of them very well known. I am not model / porn star material myself and my prices were also 150 / 250 euro, but I still had quite a few customers and very few fake bookings (in the first weeks I think I only had one guy only, ringing from different numbers or private phones, very quickly I just learnt to recognise his voice and I simply pretended to make him appointments, knowing very well he is not going to turn up to any of them).

    As a new comer, Sasha got indeed much attention and if the clients would have made it to even half of the appointments, she would have had a different story to tell here.

    In my opinion, Sasha was a bit unlucky (could happen to all of us at some stage), maybe she came across on the phone a little different then expected (not going into details here because this is just a supposition). Could be as well that Dublin just changed quickly and it is getting really hard to get business there now in this time of recession.

    As previoulsy said, other cities may be better for business now, so I would suggest Sasha to give it another try and tour Ireland a little.

    (Currently posting using ID "Sensual Delights")

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by El Gordo View Post
    Maybe Sasha would have had more calls with lower rates, but it's hard to see how that would have helped her. Look at the number of appointments booked: 48 in 4 days! Her schedule must have been booked nearly solid. To take more appointments she would have had to double book. That would have been risky: two clients show up, she sends one away or keeps him waiting forever, her first review is a (justifiably) very negative one, and she's more or less finished here.

    The real problem here is that 85% of her clients never showed up. Just to break even she really has to charge those who do show up a high rate. I don't think a lot of punters realise this, but in the end we are paying for all those fake appointments.
    Well said!!! I´ve work in many places over the world and never had so much timewaisters and fake bookings as in Ireland. I´m touring for a year now in Ireland and it´s getting worser every day, especially now with the recesion going on. It seems like people are borred and anoyed and to relax they found out a new hobby. "Call the girls and make a fake booking just for fun" They mess up your schedule and let you loose potential genuine clients. I did loose lots of clients with those fake bookings, thats why I cant lower my rates. I lower my rates once and I did get more calls, but NOT more business, only MORE Timewaisters I run specials now and then and if somebody request me nice I will give a reasonable discount, even more time, but I cannot systematicly lower my rates under those circunstances. So yes unfortunatly the timewaisters and bad clients are messing it up for the genuine ones.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    I agree that the dog is sort of your own choice and you might be able to find a better place for him. Maybe you could let him at relatives or friends or something etc. I feel sorry for your predicament though...

    Personally I'm able to make my own money and able to live by myself independantly even when my owner isn't around... my owner is gone right now in fact and she didn't have to make any arrangements for me or anything.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Not getting distracted

    Also sorry to hear about your situation, Sweet Baby Sasha. I'm not sure if you were aware, but your other thread, titled 'Is this normal here?', really started a 'shit-storm' on the forum for over a week after you posted it. It wasn't your question that started it, or even the comments, sympathies, and possible solutions expressed towards your predicament by punters as well as other escorts, it was the over reaction of a few (or one person) of questionable motive and intelligence which kicked it all off. Suddenly people were going way off the grid on rants about non-Irish escorts hating and intentionally ripping-off Irish punters, most of which I found to be baseless and ridiculous, and indicitive of the blatant racism and xenophobia which has been simmering just below the surface from the very moment Ireland became a place which was receiving in more people than it was sending out. It is tremendously frustrating and disappointing to see a downward turn in economic matters bring out the worst in so many people. All I can say is that I hope that the general public as a whole are far more informed and open-minded than some of the negative commentators we've seen here.

    With the intention of redirecting the discussion back to something far more on-topic and without the accusatory tones reverberating throughout the forum, I'd actually had it in mind to ask you and any other escorts who have toured here or elsewhere if any of you had ever had a tour on which you'd only broke even, or even actually lost money, just to counter the accusations and verbal abuse that were flying every which way, but I chose not to, as it would have only been lost in the middle of all the crap which was being thrown back and forth. Now I see based on your story that it does in fact happen, and perhaps those who are so quick to make accusations will be a bit more reluctant to judge so quickly in the future.

    And as for the real issue behind both this thread as well as your other one, the math works out to 51 fake bookings/no-shows in what, 4 days? Probably more like 3 1/2 days, depending on when you arrived and started working on Tuesday. I can lend a margin of credence to what some others have said regarding the fact that you were new to working in Dublin, and therefore not known to the regular punters, as well as what some said regarding your prices, considering aforementioned economic concerns being partially valid when it comes to explaining your experience here. But pointing to/focusing on these things only serves to distract from the fact that for 4 days you averaged more than 12 fake bookings per-day. That is totally unacceptable and is outrageous that so much of this goes on here. And that is what Jessie as well as the other ladies were talking about in the other thread, a thread which subsequently became highjacked by a certain individual who seemed to want nothing more than to cause trouble and to attack ladies for the hassle they put up with and the prices men are paying you and other ladies for your services, despite that fact that he claimed not to have to pay for 'it', thus begging the question as to why he cared so much about what others were paying for 'it', but I digress.

    Far too much timewasting goes on here, plain and simple. Who's responsible? Who's behind most of it? Pimps? Agencies? Rival escorts? Perverted losers with nothing better to do? Who can say for sure? Whatever the answer is, all that can really be said about it is that it unfortunately seems like a feature of the business here which doesn't seem to have a solution, and will not be going away.

    So sorry to hear about how things went here, and it is appreciated that you still have good things to say about Ireland and Irish people, despite the bad situation. All the best to you, and I hope you give Ireland another chance.

    Cable 87

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cable87 View Post
    Also sorry to hear about your situation, Sweet Baby Sasha. I'm not sure if you were aware, but your other thread, titled 'Is this normal here?', really started a 'shit-storm' on the forum for over a week after you posted it. It wasn't your question that started it, or even the comments, sympathies, and possible solutions expressed towards your predicament by punters as well as other escorts, it was the over reaction of a few (or one person) of questionable motive and intelligence which kicked it all off. Suddenly people were going way off the grid on rants about non-Irish escorts hating and intentionally ripping-off Irish punters, most of which I found to be baseless and ridiculous, and indicitive of the blatant racism and xenophobia which has been simmering just below the surface from the very moment Ireland became a place which was receiving in more people than it was sending out. It is tremendously frustrating and disappointing to see a downward turn in economic matters bring out the worst in so many people. All I can say is that I hope that the general public as a whole are far more informed and open-minded than some of the negative commentators we've seen here.

    With the intention of redirecting the discussion back to something far more on-topic and without the accusatory tones reverberating throughout the forum, I'd actually had it in mind to ask you and any other escorts who have toured here or elsewhere if any of you had ever had a tour on which you'd only broke even, or even actually lost money, just to counter the accusations and verbal abuse that were flying every which way, but I chose not to, as it would have only been lost in the middle of all the crap which was being thrown back and forth. Now I see based on your story that it does in fact happen, and perhaps those who are so quick to make accusations will be a bit more reluctant to judge so quickly in the future.

    And as for the real issue behind both this thread as well as your other one, the math works out to 51 fake bookings/no-shows in what, 4 days? Probably more like 3 1/2 days, depending on when you arrived and started working on Tuesday. I can lend a margin of credence to what some others have said regarding the fact that you were new to working in Dublin, and therefore not known to the regular punters, as well as what some said regarding your prices, considering aforementioned economic concerns being partially valid when it comes to explaining your experience here. But pointing to/focusing on these things only serves to distract from the fact that for 4 days you averaged more than 12 fake bookings per-day. That is totally unacceptable and is outrageous that so much of this goes on here. And that is what Jessie as well as the other ladies were talking about in the other thread, a thread which subsequently became highjacked by a certain individual who seemed to want nothing more than to cause trouble and to attack ladies for the hassle they put up with and the prices men are paying you and other ladies for your services, despite that fact that he claimed not to have to pay for 'it', thus begging the question as to why he cared so much about what others were paying for 'it', but I digress.

    Far too much timewasting goes on here, plain and simple. Who's responsible? Who's behind most of it? Pimps? Agencies? Rival escorts? Perverted losers with nothing better to do? Who can say for sure? Whatever the answer is, all that can really be said about it is that it unfortunately seems like a feature of the business here which doesn't seem to have a solution, and will not be going away.

    So sorry to hear about how things went here, and it is appreciated that you still have good things to say about Ireland and Irish people, despite the bad situation. All the best to you, and I hope you give Ireland another chance.

    Cable 87
    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!
    "Moron" "Smartarse" "Mister 20 posts" "Idiot" "Ignorant" "Sinner" "Unreliable" "Irish Loser" "Lunatic" "Troll" "Cunt" "Muppet"
    "repressed homosexual" "Impotent" "No Girlfriend" "No Job" "asshole" "Little fart" "cow shit"

    The MAN the Saps Love to Hate !

    Asshole of the Month MAY 2009
    As voted by Saps!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008


    As Ric said maybe you should have went to one of the other towns through Ireland. Theres alot of escorts in Dublin at the moment. Through the country there are less escorts and it would be more profitable than in Dublin. Maybe you wouldn't get as many timewasters either. You'll get timewasters everywhere but maybe not as many as in Dublin.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  9. Default

    Sorry to hear that hun, but a suggestion if I may. Don't let this put you off coming to Dublin again, you look like a gorgeous girl and you could probably do very well. So in preparation for the next time, stay active on this site, get to know some of the regulars and you might find you get more genuine punters next time.

  10. #20
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    In truth, there are a ton of timewasters. You need to learn the ropes to weed some of them out, still I clocked up 3 yesterday and I was in Belfast.... they are in every city, big or small. Though, the number of your tw's are a bit OTT, compared to the usual. I'd say average 2-3 a day is normal.

    Dropping prices will not make much or any difference. Think of it this way: 4x150=600 , 6x100=600 . So in theory you will just have to see two extra people to make the same money. Whith the number of timewasters there is, she would have probably made less money, I think anyway. And let's be realistic here nobody works 24 hrs a day. So if you do happen to have 6 half hr bookings, then on top of that you get 3 tw's your day is gone. So if you had charged 150 you would have totaled 900 euros.

    Also guys remember touring ladies will always have more expenses then the residents, as A, they only pay rent on their flat, B, seviced apartments/hotels cost more then residential lettings, C, you have your added cost of maintaining your residence at home.

    A 2 week tour will incure about £2000 expenses... on top of our regular, home outgoings, which will be differnt for all of us, but let's say £400 per week. This means in total for 2 weeks about 3000 euros with the current exchange rate. So charging 100 euros you need to see 3o people for 1/2 hr, just to break even...... that is a lot of cocks to suck..... at the rate of 150 it is 20 clients, and if you look at it this way, there is a huge difference. Obviously, there will be people, who stay for an hr etc. but this is just an exsample.

    Just editing to add, that to be very honest 95% of the clients don't read the board.... , you can drum up some bussines here though, but the wast majority of clients don't come on here.....
    Last edited by Kat; 10-05-09 at 20:22.
    Dublin tbc , Belfast tbc, Cork tbc

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