Quote Originally Posted by sweetbabysasha View Post
Hello Guys and Gals, back home now in dear old Blghty, and boy was I glad to get back home, I came to Dublin just over a week ago to see the sights and make some money,what a disaster that turned out to be,and now I am going to make "Knightrider" a very happy man,cos I am going to tell you the truth about my trip.
I am 20 years old,consider myself reasonably attractive and profesional,and an ok all round good girl,but and after much thought.....not a porn star look-alike, I have realised that I just did not cut the mustard,
My expenses to come to Dublin are as follows:
Taxi to aiirport £25.00
air fare £148.00
Taxi from airport (Dublin) £ 28.00
Apartment (4 days) £380.0
Food £ 25.00
Phone credit £ 40.00
Ad on Escort Ireland £98.00
put my dog in kennels £240.00
Total £984.00

Arrive Tuesday 1 client 150 euro 11 fake bookings
Wednesday 2 clients 300 euro 15 fake bookings
Thursday 2 clients 3oo euro 9 fake bookings
Friday 2 clients 400 euro 16 fake bookings
Total 1150 euro
So to summerize,I made about £35 sterling,but what about the coffees ect at the airport???, I really dont understand how some women who advertise on here are makng a living? I think maybe if you are established and well known,and have the good fortune to look like a drop dead gorgeous porn star,thats the answer,but for me...... a big no no,I will certainly return to Dublin as a tourist,but as a working girl,never,Knightrider all your dreams may yet be answered,and the only ladies left to shag, will be lovely kind nurses and people from the caring profesions,but they probably wont want to shag any of you lot ha ha, good luck Lads,the VERY few guys met were fab,I think its about time the truth was told,I know its not gonna happen,but worth a try, luv to all, Sasha xxxxxx

I am sorry to hear it didnt work out for you,but look at your pics,you look not too bad looking,i am sure if you had professional photos taken and reduce by 20-30 euros you would have found things alot different.If you do come back i would book you for an hour.
Dont give up that easily,there good money to be made in Ireland.