Listen up, You Saps!
As most of yous already know, yous have BALL PROBLEMS - that is - yous have fucking NONE to talk about.
With this in Mind I have decided to launch my own brand of BALLS supplements.
Called "Night Riders Balls Supplements for Saps", they will be available soon in health shops for all yous sad sorry Saps.

First up are BALLS CAPSULES, these capsules are made from my own secret ingredients, which include Bulldogs testicles and hair restorer tonic - cost 250 euro per bottle of capsules.
Just take a capsule, 10 times a day, and soon you will have fewer females shit all over you.

For Nicegirlsarenice and all other cheapskates, I have microwave ready BOLLACKS BURGERS.
Made from 100% pure Irish Bulls Bollocks, these are ideal for the Sap on the run (from your female), just pop a Bollocks Burger in the microwave, and in no time you have hot soft Bulls Balls to eat. - cost per Burger - 50 euro.

So you have it there, Saps.
Go and order your "Night Riders Balls Supplements for Saps" before they sell out fast.

The Night Rider