Quote Originally Posted by Good4u2 View Post
was in Dublin, was using a smartphone and texting an escort who told me to go to location.
Two rough big fukers came at me while waiting but managed to get away without my coat.
Some sort of set up but she said she knew nothing about it, they can locate your location by just texting them so be vigilant if you are directed to a quiet and secluded spot
Maybe it was 2 pimps who didn't like look of you, And afraid you win the heart of Lady you meeting and take her away from them
Pimp are very dominant on their territory and Ladies they look after
Their is a say don't fall in love with Escort who has a pimp in company it won't end well..
How I know because mate of mine 3 years ago got to close to one Lady as she did to him, He got a nasty wake up call from her pimp and was warn off.
True story and he still talk about his love that could have been if time was giving poor chap.

So maybe seen you as threat and want to ruffled you up a bit then two Gents