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Thread: Patricia another request !!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Patricia another request !!!!!

    Would it be possible for you to have a section in the escorts profile to state if they charge extra for anything.
    Under the present system you have no idea before you call what is extra.
    If you try and ask them over the phone you sometimes get good information but usually the girl has very little English and it can be hard to understand what she is saying.

    Just think it would be a useful service to the punter.

    It would have possibly solved the pre-dick-ement Rodeoman found himself in

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Not possible

    I think it won't be possible because " Escort charges for her time and companionship only. Anything else that occurs is a matter of coincidence and choice between consenting adults."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Good point Pablo but.....

    *removed by patricia* has a section for extras so it saves people being codded.

    We also know "time and companionship only" is a load of bollox

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    If escorts charge for time and companionship only then why do they list services they do. If they list the services then they can say what extras are charged.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pablo_23 View Post
    I think it won't be possible because " Escort charges for her time and companionship only. Anything else that occurs is a matter of coincidence and choice between consenting adults."
    If escorts charge for time and companionship only y do it cost €200/€250 per hour i don't know anyone geting that sorry bankers
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Legal Issues

    Hey, Gents!

    There was a thread which I participated in about this same issue a few months ago, and I as well as others raised some of the same points; we even threw out a few potential solutions for solving the problem, which, is that we'd like to have a way of knowing what is/isn't included and/or costs extra from the list of 'favorites', and what Patricia had to say about it was essentially this:

    The list of things we see on each escorts' profile have to be presented as 'favourites', NOT as 'services', for legal reasons. Because of the 'charges for her time and companionship only' disclaimer, any other listed cost for anything 'extra' would cross the line from the ladies we see on the site being considered 'escorts' (which is technically legal here) to being considered 'prostitutes', which is NOT legal.

    I feel your pain on this one gents, as I've also been affected by the same thing, and can completely understand why we would all prefer for that information to be presented on the site, for clarity and full understanding about what is/isn't available and at what EXACT cost. And I know and understand about the communication issues which can and too often do arise; the lady in question doesn't have great English, or sometimes, it has been reported by some punters, the lady will flat-out lie about what they do/don't offer, and how much any extras do cost, even if you ring them about it! It seems to be nearly as common as a lady listing a 'favourite' on her profile, you turn up, you ask for it, and she says "no, I don't DO THAT", despite it being listed on their profile. How many girls list 'Anal' on their favourites, but don't ACTUALLY do it? Quite a few, unfortunately!

    But in the end, there was no real, full-on solution to the problem, for the simple reason Patricia described about what can and can't be said about 'favourites/'services' and the exchange of money. Anything which stated on this website that money was specifically being exchanged for a specific sexual service being discussed would cross the line from 'escorting' to 'prostitution', and could result in the entire site being shut down, or worse! So we'e just got to deal with it the best we can lads. Remember to speak as clearly as possible when speaking to the ladies, so they can understand you, or maybe try and pm them on the site; many list either profile names on the site or e-mail addresses, so write them ahead of time and ask your question about extra charges. If they answer, then hopefully it'll all be cleared-up before making a booking. If they answer 'yes it's included' or 'yes it's XX extra', and you turn up and they're suddenly asking for extra money or claiming they don't do that, you can always walk away! i recently did down in Killarney when I turned up to what turned out to be an agency directing punters to just about the fouled minger I've ever seen! Remember, IT'S YOUR MONEY, and you are NOT obligated to go through with an appointment if things are not to your liking!

    All the best gents,

    Cable 87

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Excellent point Cable

    I understand the legal issues and you make a very good point.

    However if favorites = services then a legally and quick solution would be to list the extras as
    "Extra Favorites" no money would have to be mentioned but the punter would be instantly aware that certain services oops!! favorites would require more dosh !!!

    Patricia any comment !!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default 100% Agreement

    Hey Smarty!

    I totally agree, and I'd like to see something like that be implimented, just so we could know, or at least so the ladies that are willing to be up front about it can let us know. There would still be stories of ladies willfully giving out false/misleading/incorrect info about their services and their costs, just to get the lads in the door (because they KNOW that few of us will actually turn around and leave just because we found out some specific service cost extra cash or they didn't do it, it's the same hook that the ladies in Amsterdam are notorious for), but at least this way we'd have a chance to know up front and in plain sight what was included and what was extra from the ladies that are willing to be straight about it.

    A section where extra costs for certain services were implicitly understood would hopefully be able to address and mostly remedy the situation, and if there was a problem where something was listed as either included or extra, but a punter turned up only to find out that it was listed as 'included' but she tried to charge extra, or a punter turns up only to hear 'I don't do that', then it can be reported, and hopefully the lady in question will have her profile 'favourites' edited as needed by Patricia or one of the mods.

    Maybe if we throw some more ideas out there, something reasonable and 'legal' will come up.

    Cable 87

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