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Thread: Anniversaries.

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Jay Kay founder member of Jamiroquai,49 yesterday.Born December 30,1969.

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    MassiveFerguson (02-01-19)

  3. #62
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    Oct 2017

    Default January 1.

    45 BC:The Julian calendar comes into operation (we operate on the slightly modified Gregorian calendar).

    42BC:Roman Senate deifies the deceased Julius Caesar.

    404:Last gladiatorial contest in Rome.

    630:Mohammed sets out with his army for Mecca ,which soon falls.

    990:Russia adopts the Julian calendar.

    1502:Portuguese navigators discover Rio de Janeiro-the "river of January".

    1583:Holland and Flanders adopt Gregorian Calendar.

    1600:Scotland adopts January 1 as beginning of year(it had been March 25).

    1622:Papacy adopts 1 January as beginning of the year(has been 35th March).

    1660:Samuel Pepys begins his diary.

    1700:Protestant Western Europe (apart from England) begins using the Gregorian calendar.

    1700:Russia begins using the A.D.system of classifying years.

    1710:Frenchman Jean Marius obtains a five year "patent" for his invention of a folding umbrella-the first of its kind in Europe.

    1772:First travellers cheques go on sale in London.

    1785aily Universal Register publishes its first issue in London.

    1788aily Universal Register becomes The Times (of London).

    1797:Albany replaces NYC as capital of New York.

    1800: Dutch East Indies company dissolves.

    1801:Ceres ,the largest object in the Asteroid Belt is discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi.

    1801:Irish Parliament votes to join the Kingdom of Great Britain ,thus forming the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

    1804:Haiti gains independence from France after a slave uprising.

    1818:Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus is published anonymously by a small London publishing house.

    1833:UK claims sovereignty over the Falklands.

    1847:Michigan is the first US state to abolish the death penalty.

    1847:World's first "Mercy" hospital is founded in Pittsburgh by a group of Irish Sisters of Mercy.

    1858:Naming system of Carolus Linnaeus for species adopted by the International Committee on Zoological Nomenclature.

    1863:Lincoln issues his Emancipation Proclamation to freed slaves in the Confederate states.

    1877:Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India.

    1885:"Time Zones" adopted by 25 countries.

    1893:Japan adopts the Gregorian calendar.

    1894:Manchester Ship Canal opens(one of the sources of rivalry between Manchester and Liverpool).

    1896:Röntgen ,a German physicist announces his discovery of x-rays.

    1899:Cuba taken from the Spanish by the US,who continue to occupy until 1902.

    1901:Commonwealth of Australia formed.

    1901:Nigeria becomes a British protectorate.

    1906: Driving license becomes mandatory in the Netherlands.

    1909:Old age pension law comes into effect in Britain, providing pensions for every subject over 70 ,with low income.

    1912:Republic of China formed by Sun Yat-Sen(it continues as Taiwan ,since the communist takeover of the mainland in 1949).

    1916:First transfusion of blood ,that had been stored and cooled.

    1917:T.E.Lawrence(of Arabia) joins the Arab revolt in the desert.

    1919:Edsel Ford succeeds his father Henry as president of the Ford Motor Company (later there is an unsuccessful vehicle called the Ford Edsel).

    1925:Norway's capital Christiana changes name to Oslo.

    1927:Turkey adopts the Gregorian calendar.

    1934:Alcatraz Island becomes a US federal prison.
    (Alcatraz comes from a Spanish word for pelican)

    1934:Nazi Germany passes a "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring."

    1935:President of Turkey, Mustapha Kemal renames himself Atatürk(Father of Turkey)

    1937:Safety glass becomes mandatory in the windscreens of British vehicles.

    1942: Declaration signed to allow for the creation of the " United Nations " post war.

    1946:As required by the Americans, Emperor Hirohito of Japan announces he is not a god.

    1947:Britain nationalises coal.

    1948:GATT comes into effect.

    1948:British railways nationalised to form British Rail.

    1950:Ho Chi Minh begins operations against French troops in Indochina.

    1953:First UK van to try and track unlicenced TV sets begins operating.

    1957:IRA unit attacks Brookborough RUC barracks.
    (Sean South and Fergal O'Hanlon died as a result of this attack).

    1958:European Common Market comes into effect,with the six original member states.

    1959:In the face of Castro's revolution, Batista flees Cuba.

    1958: Johnny Cash plays first of many free prison concerts .

    1962:US Navy SEALS established.

    1966:American cigarette packs have to carry the message " Caution Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health).

    1969:People's Democracy begin a march from Belfast to Derry inspired by the American civil rights movement.

    1970:The Ulster Defence Regiment(UDR) is formed.

    1973:British, Rep.of Ireland and Denmark become members of the EEC/Common Market.

    1971:Cigarette ads banned on US television.

    1981:Greece becomes the tenth member of the EEC.

    1982:Peru's Pérez de Cuéllar becomes UN Secretary General.

    1983:ARPANET officially changes to using the Internet Protocol creating the Internet.

    1985:The first British mobile phone call is made by Michael Harrison to his father Sir Ernest Harrison, the chairman of Vodaphone.

    1985:US's first mandatory seat belt law comes into operation in NY.

    1986:Spain and Portugal are the 11th & 12th members of the EEC.

    1989:The Montreal Protocol comes into effect ,to stop the use of chemicals damaging the ozone layer.

    1992:Russian Federation becomes the successor state to the USSR.

    1993:Czechoslovakia splits into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

    1994:North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) comes into effect.

    1995:Austria and Finland move to join the EU.

    1995:Last "Far Side" cartoon by Gary Larson.

    1995:Fred West found hanged in his jail cell.

    1995:World Trade Organization (WTO) comes into existence.

    1998:All California bars and clubs to be smoke free.

    1999:Euro currency introduced for bank to bank transactions.

    2002:Euro banknotes and coins go into circulation in 12 EU member states.

    2007:Bulgaria and Romania officially join the EU.
    Their languages and Irish become official EU languages joining 20 others.

    2007:Slovenia adopts the Euro.

    2008:New Hampshire legalises civil unions for same sex couples.

    2008:Malta and Cyprus adopt the Euro.

    2009:Slovakia adopts the Euro.

    2012:Estonia officially adopts the Euro.

    2015:The Eurasian Economic Union between Russia, Belarus, Armenia,Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan comes into effect.

    2015:Lithuania adopts the Euro.

    2016ubai skyscraper "The Address" burns as the New Year is rung in.

    2017:Portuguese, António Guterres becomes UN Secretary General.

    2018:California becomes the biggest US state to legalise cannabis for recreational use.

    2018:Hollywood women's "Time's Up" movement announced.

    1449:Lorenzo de Medici,Italian ruler and art patron.
    1735:Paul Revere,American Revolutionary Army officer,referred to in "The Midnight ride of Paul Revere".
    1863:Baron Pierre de Coubertin,founder of the International Olympic Committee.
    1864:Alfred Stieglitz, American photographer.
    1879:E.M.Forster, British novelist.
    1879:William Fox ,Hungarian -American screenwriter, producer and founder of the Fox Film Corporation and Fox Theatres.
    1895:J.Edgar Hoover,long term director of the FBI,and notorious for keeping files on many American public figures and politicians.
    1912: Dana Andrews,American actor.
    1912:Kim Philby ,Russian controlled British spy.
    1919:J.D.Salinger,American author.
    1919:Rocky Graziano,American boxer.
    1933:Joe Orton,English dramatist.
    1955:Mary Beard,English classicist, academic and television presenter.
    1956:Christine Lagarde,French head of the IMF(courtesy of Dominic Strauss - Kahn's groping of a chambermaid in an American hotel).
    1968: Davor Sukor,Croatian footballer.

    Johann Christian Bach,German composer.
    1894:Heinrich Hertz,German physicist,he of the Hertz unit.
    1944:Edwin Lutyens,English architect and designer of the Thiepval Memorial.
    1953:US country singer Hank Williams dies aged 29.
    1972:Maurice Chevalier, French actor and singer.
    1992:Grace Hopper,American computer scientist ,admiral and co-developer of COBOL.
    1994:Cesar Romero,American actor.
    1997:Townes Van Zandt ,American guitarist and singer -songwriter.
    1998:Helen Wills Moody,American tennis player and coach.
    2015:Mario Cuomo,American lawyer,politician and former Governor of New York.

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    MassiveFerguson (02-01-19)

  5. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default January 2.

    69: During "The Year of the Four Emperors,the Roman army of the Lower Rhine proclaims its leader Vitellus,Emperor.

    366:Alemanni cross the frozen Rhine in numbers,invading the Roman Empire. Alemanni is assumed to mean "all men" and was probably originally a confederation of different Germanic tribes.The word survives today as "Allemand" ,the general French word for German.

    1492:The Moorish fortress the Alhambra surrenders to the forces of Ferdinand and Isabella, ending La Reconquista.

    1570:Ivan the Terrible marches on Novgorod.

    1602:Spanish force at Kindale surrenders to the English marking a turning point in the 9 years war.

    1757:British troops occupy Calcutta.

    1776:First American revolutionary flag displayed.

    1839: First photograph of the Moon taken by French photographer Louis Daguerre.

    1885:Last distress signal received from Gordon of Khartoum.

    1905:In the Russo-Japanese war ,Japanese troops capture Port Arthur ,dealing a humiliating blow to the Russians.

    1914:Philips installs research facility in Eindhoven.

    1919:Lithuania gains independence.

    1929:US and Canada agree to preserve Niagara Falls.

    1935:Trial of Bruno Hauptmann begins for the kidnap and murder of the Lindbergh baby.

    1941:US announces its Liberty Ship programme.

    1942:Manila occupied by the Japanese.

    1942:28nations at war with the Axis powers agree to not make separate peace deals.

    1945:Allies bomb Nuremberg from the air.

    1959:Luna 1 spacecraft launched by the Soviet Union.

    1960:Age of Solar System declared to be slightly under 5 billion years.

    1960:JFK announces his candidacy for the US Presidency.

    1965:Martin Luther King Jr. begins campaign to register black voters.

    1967:Ronald Reagan sworn in as Governor of California.

    1969:Rupert Murdoch gains control of the "News of the World".

    1971:An accident at Ibrox Park in Glasgow results in the deaths of 66 football supporters.1972:Mariner 9 begins mapping Mars.

    1972:Anti-internment rally in Belfast.

    1974:Richard Nixon lowers US maximum speed limit to 55 MPH due to the Oil Crisis.

    1947:Mahatma Gandhi begins peace march in East Bengal.

    1979:Sid Vicious' trial for the murder of Nancy Spungen ,his girlfriend, begins.

    1988:US-Canada free trade agreement signed.

    2004:NASA spacecraft Stardust collects particles from the comet Wild 2,and the material is later shown to contain the amino acid glycine -one of the building blocks of life.

    1727:James Wolfe,British General in Canada.
    1873:St.Thérčse of Lisieux, R.C. nun.
    1920:Isaac Asimov ,Sci-fi writer.
    1936:Roger Miller,Singer
    1938: David Bailey, British photographer.
    1969:Christy Turlington,former supermodel.
    Last edited by FranknStein; 03-01-19 at 00:45.

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  7. #64
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    Oct 2017

    Default January 3.

    1431:Joan of Arc is defeated by Bishop Pierre Cauchon.

    1521:Martin Luther excommunicated by the Pope.

    1777:Battle of Princeton during the American Revolution,Ist victory for Washington in the open field.

    1870:Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge begins.

    1925:Benito Mussolini dissolves the Italian Parliament and proclaims himself dictator of Italy taking the title "Il Duce".

    1944:Major Greg " Pappy" Boyington is shot down by a Japanese Zero(Bye,bye,Black Sheep:-)

    1958:Edmund Hillary reaches South Pole overland.

    1959:Alaska is admitted as the 49th US state.

    1961:US breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba.

    1962:Pope John the twenty third excommunicates Fidel Castro.

    1977:Apple Computer is incorporated.

    1985:Israel confirms the resettlement of ten thousand Ethiopian Jews .

    1993:In Moscow George Bush Senior and Boris Yeltsin sign the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

    1996:The Motorola StarTAC, the first flip phone and one of the first mobile phones to gain widespread consumer approval goes on sale.

    2009:The first block of the blockchain of the decentralized payment system Bitcoin,called the Genesis Block,was established by its creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

    1990:Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega surrenders to the U.S.

    2001:Hillary Clinton sworn in as a US senator from New York.

    2004:NASA Mars rover "Spirit" lands on the Red Planet to study its surface.

    2018:Lawyers for President Trump attempt to stop publication of 'Fire and Fury" a book by Michael Wolff on Trump's administration.

    106BC:Cicero,Roman orator and statesman.
    1840:Father Damien,Belgian priest who ministered to lepers in the Pacific and eventually caught leprosy himself.
    1883:Clement Attlee,former British Labour Party leader and P.M.
    1892:J.R.R.Tolkien, author of "The Lord of the Rings", born in S.Africa.
    1929:Sergio Leone, Italian film director.
    1956:Mel Gibson,actor and director.
    1969:Michael Schumacher,German F1 champion.
    1975anica McKellar ,American actress and author.

    1967:Jack Ruby the mobster who shot dead the JFK assasin Lee Harvey Oswald.
    1980:Joy Adamson of " Born Free" fame murdered in Kenya.

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    SteveB (03-01-19)

  9. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by FranknStein View Post
    1431:Joan of Arc is defeated by Bishop Pierre Cauchon.

    1521:Martin Luther excommunicated by the Pope.

    1777:Battle of Princeton during the American Revolution,Ist victory for Washington in the open field.

    1870:Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge begins.

    1925:Benito Mussolini dissolves the Italian Parliament and proclaims himself dictator of Italy taking the title "Il Duce".

    1944:Major Greg " Pappy" Boyington is shot down by a Japanese Zero(Bye,bye,Black Sheep:-)

    1958:Edmund Hillary reaches South Pole overland.

    1959:Alaska is admitted as the 49th US state.

    1961:US breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba.

    1962:Pope John the twenty third excommunicates Fidel Castro.

    1977:Apple Computer is incorporated.

    1985:Israel confirms the resettlement of ten thousand Ethiopian Jews .

    1993:In Moscow George Bush Senior and Boris Yeltsin sign the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

    1996:The Motorola StarTAC, the first flip phone and one of the first mobile phones to gain widespread consumer approval goes on sale.

    2009:The first block of the blockchain of the decentralized payment system Bitcoin,called the Genesis Block,was established by its creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

    1990:Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega surrenders to the U.S.

    2001:Hillary Clinton sworn in as a US senator from New York.

    2004:NASA Mars rover "Spirit" lands on the Red Planet to study its surface.

    2018:Lawyers for President Trump attempt to stop publication of 'Fire and Fury" a book by Michael Wolff on Trump's administration.

    106BC:Cicero,Roman orator and statesman.
    1840:Father Damien,Belgian priest who ministered to lepers in the Pacific and eventually caught leprosy himself.
    1883:Clement Attlee,former British Labour Party leader and P.M.
    1892:J.R.R.Tolkien, author of "The Lord of the Rings", born in S.Africa.
    1929:Sergio Leone, Italian film director.
    1956:Mel Gibson,actor and director.
    1969:Michael Schumacher,German F1 champion.
    1975anica McKellar ,American actress and author.

    1967:Jack Ruby the mobster who shot dead the JFK assasin Lee Harvey Oswald.
    1980:Joy Adamson of " Born Free" fame murdered in Kenya.
    Michael Schumacher is 50 years old today. Keep fighting Michael!

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to SteveB For This Useful Post:

    FranknStein (03-01-19)

  11. #66
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    Oct 2017


    1642:King Charles 1 and 400 soldiers attack the English Parliament.

    1754:Colombia University founded in NY as King's College.

    1762:Britain declares war on Spain and Naples in the Seven Years War(sometimes called the "first world war").

    1847:Manuscripts of Emily Brontë's " Wuthering Heights" and Emily Brontë's "Agnes Grey" sent to publisher T.C Newby(they are published in December 1847).The women use the male noms de plume "Ellis and Acton Bell".

    1847:Samuel Colt sells his first revolver to the US government.

    1853:Solomon Northrop, author of " Twelve Years a Slave",regains his freedom.

    1863:James Plimpton patents 4 wheeled roller skates.

    1865:NY Stock Exchange opens its first permanent HQ near to Wall Street in NY.

    1868:Wilkie Collins' "The Moonstone " serialised in a Charles Dickens owned magazine.

    1879:Sofia ,the Bulgarian capital 'liberated " from the Turks.

    1884:The Fabian Society founded in London.

    1896:Utah is admitted as the 45th US state.

    1932:Gandhi and Nehru arrested in India on orders of British Viceroy.

    1948:Burma declared independence from the UK.

    1951:Korean War,Chinese forces recapture Seoul.

    1954:Elvis Presley records a 10 minute demo in Nashville.

    1958:Sputnik 1 falls to Earth from orbit and burns up in the atmosphere.

    1959:Russian Luna 1 becomes 1st craft to leave Earth's field of gravity.

    1967: Donald Campbell dies at the controls of a jet powered boat,the Bluebird K7 ,on Coniston Water in Cumbria. He was trying to beat his own water speed record.

    1969:A People's Democracy march between Belfast and Derry is repeatedly attacked by loyalists and off duty police.

    1970:Beatles last recording session at EMI studios.

    1974:Nixon refuses to hand material over to the Senate Watergate Committee.

    1976:UVF shoot 6 Catholic civilians dead in 2 attacks in Co Armagh.

    1981:British police arrest Peter Sutcliffe the "Yorkshire Ripper".

    1989:US F-14 jets shoot down two Libyan fighters in the Mediterranean.

    1989:George H.W.Bush takes his declaration as US President.

    1995:Newt Gingrich becomes Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

    2006:Israel PM Ariel Sharon suffers a second serious stroke-power is transferred to Acting PM Ehud Olmert..

    2007:Nancy Pelosi becomes 1st female Speaker of the House of Representatives in Washington D.C

    2010:World's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa ,is officially opened in Dubai.

    1643:Isaac Newton, English physicist and mathematician.
    1785:Jacob Grimm, German philologist and folklorist,brother of Wilhelm and formulater of Grimm's Law.
    1809:Louis Braille ,inventor of the Braille system of writing/reading for the blind.
    1813:Isaac Pitman,English educator ,linguist and developer of a system of shorthand.
    1838:Charles Stratton," General Tom Thumb",circus performer.
    1900:James Bond,American ornithologist and zoologist. Ian Fleming used his name for his eponymous spy.Fleming was a birdwatcher and took the name from James Bond's "Birds of the West Indies".
    1935:Floyd Patterson, US boxer.
    1937: Dyan Cannon,American actress ,director ,producer,screenwriter.
    1947:Rick Stein ,English chef and television presenter.
    1960:Michael Stipe,former lead singer of R.E.M.
    1965:Craig Revel Horwood,dancer ,choreographer.
    1965:Julia Ormond,English actress. .
    1986:James Milner,English footballer.
    1990:Toni Kroos,German footballer.

    1877:Cornelius Vanderbilt, American businessman and philanthropist.
    1960:Albert Camus,French language novelist.(died in a car crash).
    1961:Barry Fitzgerald, Irish actor and Oscar winner.
    1961:Erwin Schrödinger, Austrian physicist ,he of Schrödinger's Cat fame.(died of TB)
    1965:T.S.Eliot, American born poet.(cause of death - emphysema).
    1967: Donald Campbell, English speed merchant.
    1986:Christopher Isherwood, Anglo-American author and academic,author of " The Berlin Stories " which were adapted into the play "I am a Camera" and later into the musical "Caberet".
    1986:Phil Lynott,singer-songwriter,lead singer of Thin Lizzy.
    Last edited by FranknStein; 03-01-19 at 22:41.

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  13. #67
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    Oct 2017

    Default January 5.

    1781:Benedict Arnold led British naval expedition burns Richmond, Virginia.Arnold switched sides to the British during the American War of Independence and his name is synonymous with traitor to many Americans.Decades later Richmond will be the capital of the Confederacy.

    1836: Davy Crockett arrives in Texas to aid the revolution against Mexico.He will later die at the Alamo.

    1840:95,820 licenced pubs in England at this time.

    1841:James Clark Ross of the UK is the first to enter the pack ice near the eponymous Ross Ice Shelf,Antarctica.

    1886:"Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson published.

    1895 :French Captain Alfred Dreyfus is convicted of treason and stripped of his rank .He is sent to the penal colony of Devil's Island.Later he is completely exonerated and his case is revealed as an anti-Jewish bias.

    1900:Leader John Edward Redmond calls for a revolt against British rule.

    1909:Colombia recognises Panama's independence.

    1914:Henry Ford announces his $5 per day minimum wage doubling most of his workers pay

    1919:National Socialist Party(Nazi) forms as German Farmer's Party.Founded by Anton Drexker in Munich.

    1930: Bonnie and Clyde.
    Bonnie Parker meets Clyde Barrow for the first time.

    1933:Work on the Golden Gate Bridge commences.

    1945:Cartoon character Pepe LePew makes his debut in "Odor-able Kitty".

    1949:US President Harry S.Truman nicknames his administration the " Fair Deal."

    1953:Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" opens in Paris.

    1959:Buddy Holly releases his last record -dies in a plane crash 29 days later.

    1968:Alexander Dubcek becomes Communist party leader in Czechoslovakia (Russian tanks and the Prague Spring will in time ensue).

    1971:Body of ex-boxer Sonny Liston found,he had been dead a number of days.

    1972:Nixon signs bill allowing NASA to begin researching a manned space shuttle.

    1973:Bruce Springsteen releases his first album,"Greetings from Astbury Park,NJ."

    1976:Cambodia is renamed Kampuchea.

    1976:10 Protestant civilians shot dead in Armagh.

    1993:Major oil spill in the Shetlands as oil tanker MV Braer runs aground.

    2001:A report reveals that former GP Harold Shipman has possibly killed hundreds of patients.

    2005:Eris the largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System is discovered.

    2018:N.Korea accepts S.Korean invitation for high level talks.

    2018:"Fire and Fury:Inside the Trump White House" is published.

    1592:Shah Jahān,Mughal Emperor -built the Taj Mahal as a memorial to his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal.
    1855:King Camp Gillette,American manufacturer credited with inventing the disposable blade safety razor.
    1863:Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavsky, Russian actor, director and producer , who developed the Stanislavsky Method of acting.
    1876:Konrad Adenauer, former Chancellor of West Germany.
    1914:George Reeves,American actor who played Superman on TV in the fifties.
    1928:Zulfikar Bhutto,Fourth President of Pakistan, father of Benazir.
    1931:Robert Duvall,US actor.
    1932:Umberto Eco,Italian philosopher and author of "The Name if the Rose" and Foucault's Pendulum. "
    1946: Diane Keaton,US actress.
    1969:Marilyn Manson(born Brian Hugh Warner), US singer/performer.
    1975:Bradley Cooper,US actor.

    1589:Catherine de Medici,wife of King Henry II of France.
    1922:Ernest Shackleton, Anglo-Irish polar explorer, died on a voyage to Antarctica, buried in South Georgia.
    1933:Calvin Coolidge,Former US President.
    1933:Amelia Earhart,American female aviator,disappeared over the Pacific during an attempted circumnavigation of the globe.
    2014:Portuguese football legend Eusebio dies in Lisbon.
    Last edited by FranknStein; 05-01-19 at 22:39.

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  15. #68
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    Oct 2017

    Default January 6.

    The Feast of Epiphany, Little Christmas,, Women's Christmas.
    Traditionally when the 3 Magi supposedly visited the infant Jesus.

    Today is also the equivalent of Christmas day in Armenia and Christmas Eve in many Eastern Orthodox countries.

    1066:Harald Godwinson crowned King of England.Not too long later he will die at the Battle of Hastings.

    1494:The Island of Hispaniola hosts the first Mass in the New World .

    1549:Henry VIII short lived marriage to Anne of Cleeves("The Flanders Mare").

    1649:The English Rump Parliament votes to put Charles I on trial for treason and other "high crimes".

    1681:First record of a boxng match.

    1759:George Washington's marriage to Martha.

    1838:Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail present the telegraph to the public.

    1839:Two day storm over Ireland and Britain remembered as the " Big Wind"-An Gaoth Mór

    1842:English and Indian troops withdrawing from Kabul ,towards India ,are massacred.

    1896:British Imperialist Cecil Rhodes resigns as premier of the Cape Colony.

    1900:Boers attack Ladysmith,1000 killed or injured.

    1907:Maria Montessori opens her first (Montessori) school.It is located in Rome.

    1912:New Mexico becomes 47th US state.

    1912:Alfred Wegener presents his controversial theory of Continental Drift at a lecture in Frankfurt .

    1921:Iraqi army formed.

    1921:The "Flying Finn", Paavo Nurmi sets indoor world records for the mile and 5,000 metres.

    1925:Mussolini forms a cabinet entirely composed of fascists.

    1929:Mother Teresa arrives in Calcutta.

    1931:The " Wizard of Menlo Park",Thomas Edison submits his last patent application.

    1933:Clyde Barrow kills a Deputy County Sheriff.

    1940:Mass execution of Poles committed by Germans in Poznan.

    1941:US President Franklin D. Roosevelt makes his "Four Freedoms" speech (freedom of speech and worship, freedom from want and fear) during his State of the Union address.

    1950:Britain recognises Chinese Communist government.

    1957:Elvis makes his final Ed Sullivan Show appearance.

    1964:Rolling Stones first tour as a headline act begins.

    1974:UK begins 3 day work week due to oil crisis.

    1975:Wheel of Fortune starts on NBC.

    1979:The Village People's Y.M.C.A. becomes their only UK number 1.

    1986:British Defence Minister Michael Heseltine("Tarzan")resigns after the "Westland Affair".

    1992:US Government raises concerns over health effects of silicone breast implants.

    1993:Bill Wyman says he is leaving the Rolling Stones.

    1994:Ice skater Nancy Kerrigan attacked by associate of rival skater Tonya Harding.

    2001:US Congress certifies George W.Bush as winner of the 2000 US Presidential election, after a protracted legal battle with Al Gore(over " hanging chads " in Florida).

    2005:Edgar Ray Killen is arrested as a suspect in the 1964 murders of 3 civil rights workers.(The film " Mississippi Burning" was based on this incident.

    2009:Israel begins an assault on the Gaza Strip.

    1367:Richard II of England.
    1412:Joan of Arc.
    1880:Tom Mix,American cowboy and actor.
    1883:Kahlil Gibran ,Lebanese -American poet and author of "The Prophet".
    1898:James Fitzmaurice,Irish soldier and pilot,flew on the Bremen with two Germans on the first nonstop East to West transatlantic flight.
    1920:John Maynard Smith,English scientist.
    1925:John DeLorean,American businessman and carmaker.
    1934:Sylvia Syms,English actress.
    1943:Terry Venables,English footballer and manager.
    1946:Syd Barrett,member of Pink Floyd.
    1956:Angus Deayton,English actor,comedian and broadcaster.
    1956:Justin Welby,English Archbishop.
    1956:Clive Woodward,English rugby player and coach
    1957:Michael Foale,British born astronaut.
    1960:Paul Azinger ,US golfer
    1960:Nigella Lawson,English chef and celebrity.
    1580:John Smith,English settler in the New World.
    1913:Loretta Young,American actress.
    1955:Rowan Atkinson, English comic actor -Mr.Bean and Blackadder.
    1966:A.R.Rahman,Indian composer(The " Mozart of Madras"),widely know for his involvement in the music of the film "Slumdog Millionaire" and the song "Jai Ho".
    1982:Eddie Redmayne,English actor.
    1986:Paul McShane,Irish soccer player.
    1989:Andy Carroll,English footballer.

    1852Louis Braille, deviser of reading system for the blind.
    1884:Gregor Mendel,Monk,geneticist and botanist.
    1919:Theodore Roosevelt, former US President.
    1981:A.J.Cronin,British physician and author.
    1993: Dizzy Gillespie, American trumpet player and band leader.
    1993:Rudolf Nureyev,Russian dancer and choreographer.
    2016:Christy O'Connor Jnr,Irish golfer.
    Last edited by FranknStein; 06-01-19 at 01:32.

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  17. #69
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default January 7.

    1558:The last mainland France territory, Calais, held by the English is retaken by the French.

    1610:Galileo Galilei discovers Io,Europa and Ganymede(the first three moons of Jupiter to be recognised).

    1698:Modernising Russian Czar and founder of St.Petersburg ,Peter the Great arrives in England.

    1785:First crossing of English Channel by balloon.

    1789:First US Presidential election held.

    1790:Riots in Versailles as people demand lower bread prices.

    1797:First usage of the modern Italian flag.

    1822:Americans colonize Liberia.It is hoped that it will become a homeland for American blacks.

    1914:First steamboat through the Panama Canal.

    1922:Anglo-Irish Treaty is ratified by Dáil Éireann 64/57.

    1927:First transatlantic commercial telephone service between London and New York begins.

    1929:Buck Rogers newspaper comic strip begins.

    1929:Tarzan comic strip appears.

    1934:Flash Gordon comic strip begins.

    1942:Siege of Bataan begins in the Philippines.

    1953:US President Harry Truman announces development of the hydrogen bomb.

    1960:Polaris missile tested.

    1964:Bahamas become self-governing.

    1979:Vietnamese forces drive the Khmer Rouge from Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh.
    The excesses of Polpot's regime become apparent.

    1986:Reagan announces sanctions against Libya.

    1989:Akihito becomes Emperor of Japan.(he had visited Ireland in 1985).

    1990:Tower of Pisa closed to the public due to safety considerations.

    1991:Saddam Hussein prepares his army for war with the US.

    1998:Monica Lewinsky signs affidavit denying affair with Bill Clinton.

    1999:Impeachment of Clinton begins in the US Senate.

    2013:Lionel Messi wins the FIFA Ballon d'Or for a 4th consecutive year.

    2015:Terrorist attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris kills 12,injures 11.

    2018:Snow reported in the Sahara Desert.

    1800:Milliard Fillmore,13th US President. L
    1844:Bernadette Soubirous ,girl (and later canonised nun)whose visions led to the founding of the shrine of Lourdes.
    1964:Nicholas Cage(born Coppola).
    1967:Nick Clegg,former leader of the Lib Dems,former Deputy PM of the UK.
    1985:Lewis Hamilton,British F1 driver.
    1991:Eden Hazard,Belgian footballer.

    1536:Catherine of Aragon(first wife of Henry the Eight).
    1943:Nikola Tesla,Serbian -American physicist and engineer(Tesla electric car is named after him).
    1989:Hirohito,Emperor of Japan during WWII.
    Last edited by FranknStein; 07-01-19 at 23:38.

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  19. #70
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default January 8.

    871:Alfred the Great and his brother defeat an invading Danish army in England.

    1297:Independence for Monaco.

    1760:Comet passes close to the Earth.

    1790:George Washington delivers 1st "State if the Union" address.

    1815:Andrew Jackson defeats the British in the Battle of New Orleans,the final confrontation of the War of 1812.

    1877:Indian leader Crazy Horse fights his last Battle with the US Cavalry.

    1912:The African National Congress(ANC)is founded.

    1916:ANZAC forces withdraw from the Gallipoli Peninsula after an effective Ottoman victory.

    1918:US President Woodrow Wilson outlines his "14 Points" for peace after WWI.

    1947:General George Marshall(he of the post WWII Marshall Plan for aiding European reconstruction) becomes US Secretary of State.

    1954:Elvis Presley pays $4 to record his first two songs.

    1958:Cuban rebels capture Havana.

    1959:Charles de Gaulle becomes President of the 5th Republic in France.

    1961:After seven years of guerilla warfare the French vote to give independence to Algeria.

    1962:Aged 21 ,golfer Jack Nicklaus makes his professional debut.

    1968:NI PM Terence O'Neill travels to Dublin to meet Jack Lynch.

    1978:Harvey Milk becomes the first openly gay person elected to public office in California(eleven months later he and one other person will be assassinated.He was portrayed on film by Sean Penn.)

    1978:Based on the books by James Herriot(real name Alf Wight),"All Creatures Great and Small " begins on the BBC.

    2011:US politician Gabrielle Giffords is shot in the head but survives, six others near her die.

    2016:"Drug lord" El Chapo is recaptured in Mexico.

    1862:Frank Nelson Doubleday,American publisher.
    1935:Elvis Presley.
    1937:Shirley Bassey,Welsh singer.
    1942:Stephen Hawking,English physicist and a noted sufferer of a Motor Neurone Disease type condition.
    1947: David Bowie.
    1967:R.Kelly,American performer.
    1984:Kim Jong-Un,N.Korean leader.

    1324:Marco Polo,Italian adventurer and writer.
    1642:Galileo Galileo, Italian astronomer and telescope inventor.
    1765:Eli Whitney,American inventor of the cotton gin ,which revolutionised industrial production of cotton.
    1976:Zhou Enlai,former Chinese leader.
    1990:Terry-Thomas ,British actor who suffered from Parkinson's Disease.
    1996:François Mitterrand, former French President.
    Last edited by FranknStein; 08-01-19 at 00:46.

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