Its a science really. I am an aquarias and those of my sign tend to love science and chemistry. I am also creative and I have often dreamed up recipes. I remember when I was 17 years old I woke up from a dream, and hurried out of bed and down to the kitchen. I asked my mother for some white rice and the Jasmin Tea that noone ever drank. I filled the pot with water and boiled it along with jasmine leaves, then put in the rice and the rice soaked in the fragrant water. It was so delicious. A few years later we were at the grocery and I saw a package of "Jasmine rice"! Wow! So I had dreamed up a recipe that has been in existance in China for thousands of years?? Interesting!
I always cook unusual things. I suppose if I ever got a husband, he would have to enjoy experimental cooking and my unusual dishes. Saffron beans is one of my favorites! And i probibly indulge too much on goat butter

O truely, giving a blow job with a headache or hangover is pretty much a good way to torture someone. But its the hands on each side of the face, forcing the hangover head up/down/up/down....yikes! Much better to give the blowjob with a nice happy mood, energy, and physically feeling great. I think taking care of ourselves in all holistic ways: mind, body, soul... certainly has an effect on our desire and performance in sex. Since this is my job, it is certainly in my and my clients best interest if I do all I can to stay tip top in shape, tip top in happiness, tip top in all ways that would effect our overall time together... fucking and chatting and all the lovely things I like to do with my lovers.