
Would just like to take the oppurtunity to reply to this topic.There are some of us out here who are going to the troudle of taking real genuine photo's of the girls that are working with us.

As you may well appreciate not all girls like having their photo's taken as they too have private lives and would like to keep it that way,but we do have a lot of girls on our books that have no problem as long as their faces are blurred or heads cut off(not literally!!).

You have to understand that the internet can be accessed world-wide and this site too, all these girls have families whether they be here in Ireland or as far flung as Australia.And they don't want their famalies to know what they are doing..

It is nice to have an idea of the type of girl your going in to see and this too can be done by giving a full genuine discription of the girl or girls on then it is entirly up to you if you would like to call or not.

You also have to remember, that you do not have to stay if you do not want to for what ever reason,just make a polite excuse and leave ,there is no need to be dis-respectful if the girl is not the one you conjured up in your imagination.

And also you must LISTEN to the disdription given, because time and again,unfortunatly, clients do not LISTEN to the discription given and then moan because they thought the person on the phone said she was blond when in actual fact it's a brunette that meets you.

And the photo's here on this site that have the correct mark on them are the genuine photo's.So take the time to go through the area on the sites with ''genuine photo's'' as E-I have gone to the trouble to make this available to you.

And as you will see from the link our photo's are by no means professional,but they are real,taken using an ordinary digital camera,https://www.escort-ireland.com/731/A...ort.html,taken by ourselves,so take the time to look around the site and in-turn take the time to LISTEN,

Sorry to have gone on a bit but there are some genuine escorts and escort agency's out there,JUST TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK..

Hope you find some genuine escorts in your area-Good Luck!!