Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
Hi Ex P

There is nothing stopping him posting again as that username and I doubt my being a mod bothers him one way or the other. Why in the world should it. If the situation was reversed I would still be posting. This site needs edgy poster's and no one can take away from him that he does just that but he has to remain within the bounds of decency as he more then overstepped that boundary many times and not just in his comments to me. I was disappointed more then most that he just could not or would not stop saying the most foul of things. There was no call nor excuse for it and those days are gone when it will be tolerated and that is not my saying that but has been alluded to by the owner herself.

My belief in a site like this needing such posters is why to date I have never requested any action “whatsoever” to be taken in even maggoting anyone let alone banning anyone regardless of what was said to me and that includes him believe it or not. All I do expect is for the very simple rules here to be followed in relation to how we address each other. The day he says he will do that and apologizes for his comments about my family then I will be the first to say welcome back. If he chooses to post again but not do those things that is up to him but I will mod his posts like any other. I defended his rights remember in the teeth of the worst stuff possible from him to me far beyond just being a bollicks. I don't know why he no longer posts as that name but I am not the reason why he does not post and am also not prepared to be blamed for that on top of everything else that is laid at my door…

The above contain facts and it would be nice just for once that those facts be acknowledged. Patricia can confirm that I have not asked for anyone to be censured via soap or hollyhead so no one including him has any need to not post if my being a mod is the reason.
FFS the most controversial topic that happened on this site he said nothing."The List".Remember?We had escorts defending it (welcome back Brenda by the way) and punters (with the exception of two or so) shitting themselves.Paws response?Nothing,f'all.Why?Simple because he was bound to piss at least one escort off and he was on the list.Even after i said it on a post and he reads every single thing i write,he says nothing.

He hasnt posted (he has logged on) since you became a mod.Apparently its important stuff in his life.To mod or not to mod..............that is the question.

Hugs and kisses,

PS you can always delete half the site but be careful of BBJ's heart.Congrads Luther by the way,im very touched by your appointment.