Quote Originally Posted by gimp77 View Post
Hi ye all
Just wondering do any women actually use a male escort or is this just a fantisy.
Considering that most women (even those that look like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle) could get a ride any night of the week in most pubs by just asking a guy to shag her.

Well if the do I might just offer my services to RIDE out the recession (pun intended)

And another thought, men dont pay for sex, the pay for not having to go through the post sex bullshit.

Well enough of my romantic theories.
nicegirlsarenice would never have sex with a girl he found was too fat or ugly etc. Never ever ever, unless he was paid maybe.

Going by message boards, there's a gay escort in the US who will literally tell some clients: "Sorry I am not attracted to you, so I will not fuck you" haha... must be one of the most hated guys ever. But as horrible and retarded as he is to say that, I can sort of see where he's coming from.

I think they found that while males get aroused just looking at nudey women, women need a lot more information before they're attracted to the guy.