In fact i did some checking today and yes the liquor outlets are owned by the state however they are still open most times just not late at nights and not on a sunday. The swedish used to travel to finland as drink was cheaper there however not anymore with the euro so most just make do with it here. The only difference is that pubs here close serving drink at 11pm so you cannot drink later then 11pm however if I am not mistaken it used to be similar in the uk before??? I think this article you have published is very unrelated to internet ladies however very related to street walkers??? Most people seem quite ok with the state licence of liquor and even the state own all the pharmacies here in sweden as well and have for many years it is only now that they are thinking to invite private people to own a pharmacy....I think that everything in scandanavia is very different to uk and closer countries however i doubt that the state would take over liquor and pharmacy trades etc etc xxx