"Once we get past that she is a human being she has the right to be treated with dignity and respect the same as any other human being.
And anyone looking for perfection will have a long search it doesn't exist. Not all men are looking for the same thing that's why if you look through this site you will see all kinds of woman of various ages and sizes and presumably they all make enough money to make it worth their while advertising here"

Yes, escorts are human and have feelings but do you actually care? "stop sucking my cock, put on the kettle and tell me about your day?????" I don't think so. Yes, i use good looking brazilian men, i actually am not proud of that but my ex-husband was too busy here than being in bed with me. I understand there is no such thing as perfection, my ex slept with a certain Newcastle escort, so i understand that some men out there go for the Janet Battersby look as long as she takes it up the a**.
