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Thread: Tuesdays Budget What do you think is in store.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    Vote me into goverment....

    -I'll legalise escorting
    -a delete everybodies mortgage, so all will be mortgage free!!!
    -I'll also take any tax off booze and fags,
    -legalize smoking in the pubs again
    Dublin tbc , Belfast tbc, Cork tbc

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Tuesdays Budget What do you think is in store.


    Interested to hear your opinions about the forthcoming budget.

    Brian Clown and his side kick Brian Lendahand have do a good job in fucking up the country so far.

    Clown was the Finance minister for the past 4 years, this was the time to sort out the mess.
    The OECD and other international groups said 3 years ago and more that the Irish property was 20% overvalued at the time, was anything heeded no...

    we lent big mortgages to young couples for 40 years who are bailing these people out .... nobody.
    But we seem to finf the dosh to bail out the banks everytime.

    I did'nt vote one Fianna Fail guy in the last time.

    Clown and his side kicks should be arrested for financial treason of Ireland.
    Put on trial and serve jail time.

    It's because of these fools that we all have to accept pay cuts or lose our jobs.

    They have fucked up the country for a least 10 years

    The only solution is revolution !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    People of Ireland!

    How far does Fianna Fail's cock have to be up your ass before you realise you're being FUCKED??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post
    People of Ireland!

    How far does Fianna Fail's cock have to be up your ass before you realise you're being FUCKED??
    They are going to put a 25% Tax on Cock Sucking, a 35% Tax on Rimming.

    Sorry about that Rimmerguy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Blog Entries

    Default What's on the way??? Two words....

    Nothing good!!!
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default It wont be good

    income tax rises,PRSI rise,indirect taxation rise,

    The old realiables will probably go up ,fags ,drink,petrol,welfare payments will prob be pulled back to last years levels again.

    Thats isnt an awful lot of areas that they can go without tax increases and this is only Tuesdays budget.We have another towards the end of the year will wont be any better.

    We need to focus more on job creation as thats where tax comes from.Make the country affordable again.One of the best thing s we can do right now is bring down corporations tax.We have to be competitive again and attract investment back into the country.We also need to focuse on our home grown industries too.

    I think that we are focusing on treating the symptoms rather than the cause and the cause is job loses so we need to get those back again.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Revolution?

    Quote Originally Posted by Smarty View Post

    Interested to hear your opinions about the forthcoming budget.

    Brian Clown and his side kick Brian Lendahand have do a good job in fucking up the country so far.

    Clown was the Finance minister for the past 4 years, this was the time to sort out the mess.
    The OECD and other international groups said 3 years ago and more that the Irish property was 20% overvalued at the time, was anything heeded no...

    we lent big mortgages to young couples for 40 years who are bailing these people out .... nobody.
    But we seem to finf the dosh to bail out the banks everytime.

    I did'nt vote one Fianna Fail guy in the last time.

    Clown and his side kicks should be arrested for financial treason of Ireland.
    Put on trial and serve jail time.

    It's because of these fools that we all have to accept pay cuts or lose our jobs.

    They have fucked up the country for a least 10 years

    The only solution is revolution !
    Here?Not a chance of it happening.We are too busy being shafted by the all and sundry.Revoltion in Ireland.The land of peado priests,the land of soft laws,the land of goodies for all of Europe.Not a fuckin chance of it.

    Dont get me started on the banks.The BOI.Do you know that those cunts gave their staff a 3% pay rise after being bailed out?I mean seriously wtf is that?

    Smarty im in seriousd debt.Could you give me a loan?I will pay you back in the pub after.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by rover View Post
    They are going to put a 25% Tax on Cock Sucking, a 35% Tax on Rimming.

    Sorry about that Rimmerguy.
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , say it aint so rover !
    I have no signature at the moment

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Smarty View Post

    Brian Clown and his side kick Brian Lendahand have do a good job in fucking up the country so far.

    Clown was the Finance minister for the past 4 years, this was the time to sort out the mess.

    They have fucked up the country for a least 10 years

    The only solution is revolution !
    Don't forget who their boss was: The man who boasted that the good times would never end. Remember these quotes "The boom times are getting boomer" and "Anyone who is talking down the economy should go off and commit suicide"
    Yes, Ahern, the worst Taoiseach this country ever had. He couldn't even run the country when times were good. Now they're talking about him for the Park in 2011 - I hope they keep him in his own enclosure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008


    It'll hit the less well off as usual. If it wasn't bad enough for people losing their jobs their dole and benfits will get cut. Lets hope they target those who have been having tax breaks for years, the multi millionaires.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

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