
Interested to hear your opinions about the forthcoming budget.

Brian Clown and his side kick Brian Lendahand have do a good job in fucking up the country so far.

Clown was the Finance minister for the past 4 years, this was the time to sort out the mess.
The OECD and other international groups said 3 years ago and more that the Irish property was 20% overvalued at the time, was anything heeded no...

we lent big mortgages to young couples for 40 years who are bailing these people out .... nobody.
But we seem to finf the dosh to bail out the banks everytime.

I did'nt vote one Fianna Fail guy in the last time.

Clown and his side kicks should be arrested for financial treason of Ireland.
Put on trial and serve jail time.

It's because of these fools that we all have to accept pay cuts or lose our jobs.

They have fucked up the country for a least 10 years

The only solution is revolution !