I just saw this case in The Manchester Evening News and was wondering if you felt the punishment was justified, to lenient or to harsh -


A former taxi driver got 1 year imprisonment for basically pawing at 2 women passengers who were sitting beside him on a flight from Canada.

My view is that any man who gropes a women is telling the world that he is a loser! I think that people should have an inalienable human right to travel/walk freely from any harrasment and that includes verbals. I think gobshites like him should be slapped down immediately! But there is a but, 1 year imprisonment seems very excessive, especially taken in tandem with the probable loss of his livlihood and that perhaps an even more serious criminal will be let out to make way for him. Also the judge describing it as one of the most distasteful cases that he has ever presided over is absurd, unless he has dealt with extremely basic cases only!
Also do you feel that he was drunk mitigates it, I personally don't?
Also no doubt there will be a civil case on the way.
BTW I have been groped by strange women on buses, one whom I would love to have ridden there and then, but she was slightly drunk and though she was an adult there was a 16 year age gap between us!