Quote Originally Posted by Irishguy1989 View Post
Thats what I was trying to say at the end of my first post, I'd lay the blame with the Government, its a joke the same people are there.

Don't know who I'd vote to replace them. I think Richard Burton might make a decent Finance Minister, he talks common sense.
Well he has'nt said a bit for a while now, as Qph already mentioned, but if he were half as good a politician as he was an actor, I'd be in favour of digging him up and nominating him to stand in every single constituency. Back in th 1920s De Valera stood in a number of constituencies, so maybe it's time to dig him up as well. The only other way to get a Richard Burton as Taoiseach would be to marry Richard Bruton off to Joan Burton and get him to change his surname to hers.

At least the pair of them would probably communicate with one another, which is a lot more than can be said for the current bunch. We only had the Tanaiste telling us a few weeks ago that the public finances were in order or at least under control and the Minister for Finance painting a completely different picture. The celtic tiger must have f**ked up the ancient art of communication amongst other things.

The problem is one of politicians following the political cycle with one eye on the next election and people such as the financial sector, investors etc. following the financial year, with both eyes on bonuses, dividends etc. Compare this to a place like China......a capitalist business model presided over by a totalitarian communist political model. Despite the problems of managing a country of the size and population of China, and the effects that the recession is having there now, in China, political stability married to a pro business and investment environment and low tolerance of corruption meant that the Chinese economy recently overtook Germany as the third largest economy and it probably wont take them too long to overtake Japan either. What we in the west call long term planning is probably short term for them......these guys are in there for the long haul, they're building an economy on solid foundations with a long term objective of global economic leadership. Even the old 5 and 10 year plans of the Soviet Union were,nt a patch on what the Chinese are managing to achieve, because they lacked the incentives of a capitalist driven economy.

As to the likes of Seanie Fitzpatrick and his ilk, I some how doubt that that sort of behaviour would be tolerated in China......the most effective controls are the range of punitative measures available to the Chinese authorities and these are'nt just financial ones. When an economy of well over a billion people finally gets into fifth gear and their entire population can fully participate in it, then we in Ireland and the west in general will be reduced to an economic backwater.

A final message brothers and sisters......................


It's not a perfect translation, but it conveys the massage none the less.