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Thread: How the Celtic tiger lost its roar

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default How the Celtic tiger lost its roar

    Sunday Times 29.03.09

    Mentions Patrick Roccas' suicide, and the slogan at the ad fairs in Warsaw; 'Come to the new Ireland'

    Shall we discuss ???

    and before you all start, we've all been skint, we've all done crap jobs for crap money and we all have famillies to feed, been students, yada yada yada

    Discuss rationally.............


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    For those of us that do not read that paper , what is up for discussion ? I'm more of a sunday world and news of the world man myself , and possibly a weekly sport man too !
    I have no signature at the moment

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Nowt then

    You have the same disposable income now as you had 24 months ago.......


  4. #4
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    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Taylor of Manchester View Post
    You have the same disposable income now as you had 24 months ago.......

    It's a vicious cycle; I have the same if not more disposable income now than I did last year but with all the recession talk it feels like I have less so I spend less!!
    I don't want to change my car because I would feel it inappropriate considering there are a lot in hardship and I go out less as although I’m ok some of my friends aren't and if I am in this situation so are lots of other people!!
    The mere talk of recession has snowballed making the situation even worse by scaring people into tightening there belts which leads me back to, it's a vicious cycle!!

  5. #5
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    I agree Anon. The media aren't helping by making things seem worse than they actually are. The recessions an excuse for everyone. Even the people that aren't affected think they are.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taylor of Manchester View Post
    Sunday Times 29.03.09

    Mentions Patrick Roccas' suicide, and the slogan at the ad fairs in Warsaw; 'Come to the new Ireland'

    Shall we discuss ???

    and before you all start, we've all been skint, we've all done crap jobs for crap money and we all have famillies to feed, been students, yada yada yada

    Discuss rationally.............

    I didn't catch the article because I was moving yesterday-normally I would read the Sunday times, l I ike their lifestyle magazine, but I do remember reading a couple of weeks ago, about the suicide of Mr. Rocca, he's the brother of Michelle Rocca, Van Morrison's long-term squezze. It seems their has been a few Irish Tycoons who have taken their lives since demise of the Celtic tiger, but then there were alot of businessmen who jumped out of windows when the Stock Market crushed in 1929, and I do recall hearing about Japanese businessmen doing the seem thing in the late 80's-early 90's when Japan expeniced similar finanacial difficulties. I guess they cannot take the shame of losing it all

    As for Poland being '' the new Ireland'' it was bound to happen. Most Corporations are looking for new emerging markets to sell their goods and services to; Ireland became over-saturated-the 'powers that be' built up Ireland as for as it was useful and helpful to them, almost like seeing a call girl-after awhile, she no-longer does it for you, you've got what you wanted from her
    Last edited by anitasizzle; 30-03-09 at 12:50.

  7. #7
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    That’s the upside to not being ruled by money and being seen to have money that people got caught up in. The boom sailed over my head but so will the recession. Keeping up with the Jones is a dangerous game to play as no one can win in the end if you play to long. I had the piss taken back a few years ago but those that did are now shitting bricks trying to pay for things they never really needed.

  8. #8
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    It's the banks and people that got too greedy. They have themselves to blame for it by living a millionaires lifestyle with money they didn't have.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  9. #9
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    We talked the celtic tiger up on the back of a speculative property bubble and we're now just talking it back down again. No bubble is ever sustainable in the long run and the correction will have to take us back to where the economy would have been without this OTT speculation. Given that the tiger had a life-span of about 15 years, we may have a long way to go yet, but at least it looks like we could hit rock bottom rapidly.

    Unfortunately the celtic tiger years have left us with massive private debt and are also now going to land us with massive public debt, a high cost base and uncompetitiveness.

    You can ignore the message and shoot the messanger if you wish but that is not going to solve our problems......and a country that is going to maybe take in €34bn in tax revenues and spend some €58bn this year has a big problem. The head in the sand strategy was tried already by the politicians, bankers, developers, economists and most of the media pundits and it did'nt work. But at least the public sector and their unions can still find some solace in cloud cuckoo land....but for how much longer?

    It says a lot about the state of governance here, when an escort called Anita (who earns her living via "private donations") makes more sense then some of the clowns who sup from the public purse (That's public and not pubic brothers ).
    Last edited by carlos marvado; 30-03-09 at 13:24.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    That’s the upside to not being ruled by money and being seen to have money that people got caught up in. The boom sailed over my head but so will the recession. Keeping up with the Jones is a dangerous game to play as no one can win in the end if you play to long. I had the piss taken back a few years ago but those that did are now shitting bricks trying to pay for things they never really needed.

    Precisely. I remember being 'flushed with cash' a couple of years back, and being made fun of, considered stupid, and laughed at because I didn't let the money get to my head-they didn't understand it wasn't going to last very long.

    QUOTE=thehighwayman;76345]It's the banks and people that got too greedy. They have themselves to blame for it by living a millionaires lifestyle with money they didn't have.[/QUOTE]

    In all fairness, people were literally brain-washed into believing they could have it all, if they got 'this loan', get this type of credit card, and remortgaged their homes .

    There was a test back in early 70's to see whether people would go along with what was told to them, if it was told by a person of authority or a member of the professional classes. Test results showed they would.
    Last edited by anitasizzle; 30-03-09 at 13:26.

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