Hi Guys....

Does any you guys have this problem when meet a Escort and both are enjoying each other company and sex is good but you can't finish or get over the line as lose interest after too long of session...

It happen to me with the 3 out 4 last ladies I met here and don't get me wrong these ladies are beautiful and nice and never rushed....

Twice with same lady and it annoying as let say she wasn't happy and try to lied last time as she was piss off about that as I guess you hurt the pride of lady as they do pride themselves on their beauty...

Just want to know if anybody else have same problem as I think myself it down to nerves and just not relax...As never had this problem with girlfriends well truth I did when too much to drink...

Maybe a domination would lively me up as leave me sexually frustrated and after book a Escort and let off some relaxing hot sex if lucky....