You must be seeing the wrong escorts who give an average or poor service. It's all about choosing the right ones. I do see your point in that their are some average looking girls and nothing spectacular about their service. But ones that wouldn't appeal to me, another member might think she's great. We all have different tastes. One mans 10 is another mans 5. I think if they did what Notatwork said. If they are so busy and getting good reviews why don't they get better profile pictures done. Maybe some would look better in person but poor quality pictures don't make them look good. Your probably right in that Ireland is over priced compared to other countries.

I have usually picked escorts who have been around a while and are well known. Also some have posted on the forum and have good reviews. But not all escorts do post and don't allow reviews. Their pictures aren't verified for some. It would be hard for me to see those sort of escorts who you know nothing about. Not even what she looks like.