Went to an escort today in Blanch and walked out.

My suspicions had been raised when I rang to book as this escorts name leads you to believe she is a certain nationality however when i rang the accent on the phone was not what i expected. I asked if she was from X country and she said she was but tbh i didnt believe her.

Arrived at apt and was easy to find with plenty of parking. Unfortunately (and probably coincidentally there was a guy messing with his car outside). Anyway I walked up to door. Rang bell. Door opened immediately. Walked in and saw her as she closed the door. Not remotely even like the girl in the profiles mother so i just saw your not girl from pic. She just opened door and i left. Total time there about 10 seconds.

At 80e she was too expensive for what she looked like. Ive hung around before but glad i walked today.