Why not simply delete reviews which are believed to be fake and contact posters? If they do not reply, well that proves it. If they do reply, use Rat-Face until satisfied. If you are strict, will scare away fakes, supposedly.....

I understand I have been referred to as a pimp for C&M - but I like to believe I am real. IMO, truth will out....

I know for myself, I only visit escorts who I believe are real - hence my all positive posts - I research until happy. I would be tempted to re-visit some of my early posts based on current experience (i.e. some of my positive reviews could be attributed to inexperience), but I am happy to stand over everything I have posted and will happily defend some of the duos here with my last breath.

Appreciate stars, numder of posts etc. But IMO, just delete and confirm - do not entertain fakies....

And now I will stop, as opinons are like assholes... Luv U All and happy punting...